Fat Fast / T-Dawg question

This question is for Chris Shugart or anyone else who might want to chime in on it. Basically I am currently doing the fat fast diet but with one change. I am trying to get in about 30-40 grams of carbs in a post workout shake or meal. I am trying to lower bodyfat down considerably I am about 210 lbs at 14% bodyfat. I may occasionally throw in a cheat meal once a week but no more than once. I am getting between 170 and 200 grams of protein a day. And the remainder of calories with the exception of the postworkout carbs are coming from fish oil and flax oil. I am doing this in conjunction with a modified German Body Composition workout 4 days a week and cardio 3 days a week. Any tweaks or advice as to whether this is a decent plan or not would be appreciated. I should add that I am using androsol to preserve as much LBM as possible during this. Thanks

No training or dietary tweaks, but with such an intense program, you should be monitoring your body composition at least weekly. If you have skinfold calipers (Accumeasure can be bought for $15) and use the 3 site male equation to keep track of fat loss and to make sure that muscle loss is not significant. Scale weight and the mirror do not do much to help you out on such an intense program.
