Day 3. Doing well, getting severly hungry, but my vacation to Florida is six weeks away so nothing could make me stop this. Joe is sticking to it too… can’t wait until we’ve been on this thing longer!
BurritoJimmy - what are you talking about? read this thread and the other fat fast thread. there are PLENTY of people this has worked for.
and on another note, this particular thread is a support group for people struggling with the diet. please do not post negative things here, it’s hard enough as it is!!! (just start a new thread or something. thanks!!!)
and f.y.i. the ‘eat like a man’ article seems to be more along the line of what you’re talking about. i’m planning to go to that when i’m done with the fast.
BurritoJimmy: Much of your advice I agree on. In fact, I’ve eaten whole foods on this diet and now that I’m doing a long Fat Fast I’m doing a four day on/one day off approach. But what’s this about a person can only use illegal steroids to do Fat Fast? Are you saying Androsol isn’t anti-catabolic enough to spare muscle on a super low calorie diet (or are you saying something else, be specific)? As a Fat Fast vet whose taken in BF tests, I know this isn’t the case.
Day 4. Doing well, much easier to be on this with my husband on it too.
Burrito Jimmy - ckd's never worked well for me. I've been on it a million times, even done tkd's. Straight ketogenic diets with no carb ups do very well for me. T-dawg didn't even work well for me.
Day 2, and it seems to be going okay. Thanks to those who offered suggestions on how to make the shakes taste better… because straight Milk Isolate tastes bad!
Day 3. Tired, but not even a little hungry. Any suggestions for sewer breath besides a gallon of mouthwash or keeping my mouth closed all the time. Thanks!
Just finishing up Day 3. I have lost about 7lbs so far … mostly water. I’m not tired or even hungry (MD6 and drinking lots of water helps in that area). Doing mostly protein drinks w/ flax, but I do spoil myself with at least one real food meal a day. I’ve discovered something called a “Marco Polo” in the grocery store. Delicious and fits reasonably well into FF. Using Androsol (35x2sprays) [man I love that stuff :-)]. The only “problem” that I’ve experience was a massive headache that lasted about 2 days. I think this is due to quiting cold turkey my daily intake of “Coke” (the soft drink, hey it’s a vice but I live with it). I think the FFG is a great place to learn lots about the FF diet. Happy fasting
For those who do the carb up instead of using Androsol/Nandrosol, how many grams of carbs do you ingest or do you just gorge anything that takes your fancy?
Mark I think maybe you are a little confused. You can’t substitute carbs for Andro in order to keep your muscle. If you aren’t using Andro then you will have to use Methoxy7 and Tribex by the boat load to keep your muscle. Don’t even think about doing the Fast without using these supplements. The whole idea of the Fast is to stay away from carbs, the only carbs you should be getting is from you protein powder and hopefully your powder doesn’t contain many. Once started you can experiment like I did and have a carb day like I did on just to see what happens but carbs won’t help you keep your muscle mass.
Day five - I’m not very hungry, and most of the craving has past. The biggest challange will be the weekend, weekends are always hard for me when I’m dieting down. If I can get past that, I can survive this whole fast. I’m losing the little pooch on my lower stomach, and am officially a smaller size than before I had children. I’m not sure about the scale weight lost because I’m not really watching the scale. I’ll know I’m done when the mirror says I’ done. The hubby (the most awesome man I know, btw) is losing WAY faster than I. His muscles are popping out in new places and he’s looking great.
ironbabe…i’m jealous!! I know you said you’re not using the scale, but how much did you have to lose to start with? It sounds like you were pretty lean at the beginning to have such quick results…what and how much are you eating right now? good luck this weeknd!!!
Day 11 of the FF and my weight is down 15 lbs, my waist is smaller(judging from the way pants are fittin’), but my BF is down 2%. Granted I’m using not exactly the world’s greatest body-fat scale, but I’m wondering if I should still be at a lower BF level or not. If anyone could chime in with their estimates on the whole progression of realistic BF expectations, that would be swell. Also, what’s your experience with MD6? I’ve used other thermogenics before and got an amped up feeling from them and my appetite was definitely suppressed, but none of that from MD6 so I don’t know if that means it’s not working for me or if that’s suppose to be expected with it’s formulation. Thoughts?
Today is day 20 for me, 25 days to go. I don’t know how much weight I lost because of that damn Tanita scale, but I guess I lost around 2-2.5 inches around the waist (I figure it out with my belt). When I first began, I said to myself that by the end of this diet, I would have a “fair” ab definition. The results are more than I expected because I should reach that goal in about 10-15 days, with 10-15 days to go. The first 10 days were atrocious, I needed pizza real bad, I thought it would be hell on earth for 6 weeks. Right now, I just don’t give a damn about food (especially carbs). I have a 200-300 cal. keto meal every 2 days and it’s enough. Frankly, I don’t crave anything right now, I’m not that hungry, my energy level is high, gym performance is very good. I expected that diet to be the best ever, obviously, and it is. I use MD6 (5 caps a day, I take only 1 cap around 5 or 6 pm), Androsol 2/35 sprays/day, Twinlab’s Maxilife 2 caps a day. My message to the people who consider this diet is: Survive the first 10 days, and let the results motivate you.
Well it is Day…um…hell I think this has affected my brian hehehe. It is Day 28. I didn’t weight myself today but I did measure my waist and arms. My waist is now 3 1/2 inches smaller then before. My arms are maybe a 1/8 - 1/4 of an inch smaller but my weights are up on arm day. I feel great and am going to do this for at least another weak until my family dinner at Easter, wanna get rid of the last remaining stubborn brown fat around my waist. My energy has been great and my workouts have been better then I expected. Maybe a loss of a rep or two on my max lifts before the fast. If I can just get rid of another 1/2 inch to an inch around my waist I will be set. KEEP IT UP people, this wasn’t meant to be easy but that is why the rewards feel so great.
Mark- I ingest 4 grams of carbs per pound bodyweight spread out over a 12 hour period consisting of quick carbs once every 7 days. I find this is good for me, however the exact amount and time of carb up is individual to a degree as well. Lyle Mcdonald suggests 7 grams per pound bodyweight for the first 24 hours and 4 grams of carbs per pound bodyweight for the second 24 hours. I find this excessive. Also, I suggest you do not just gorge yourself with whatever. People consuming too much fat on the weekends is a big reason why this diet fails for some. It is best to stick to all carbs and protein on the carb up day. Most people can lose 2 pounds a week while maintaining muscle mass if they do the diet and training correctly. You will not need any supplements to maintain your muscle if you do the diet and training correctly. The carb up is sufficient in maintaining muscle mass. However, supplements and especially steroids would allow you to gain muscle mass and lose fat while on this diet.
Mark if you follow what Burrito is suggesting then you might as well do the T-dawg diet as this is not the Fat Fast Diet. If you have read the articles on the Fat Fast diet you get half you calories from protein and the other half from fat. If you are going to restrict your calories to the level of the Fat Fast diet, no amount of carbs will help you keep your hard earned muscle. At these low levels your body will burn muscle as well as fat. You need a anabolic, andro or Mexthoxy/Tribex to keep your muscle. Burrito might not think that the real Fat Fast works but the results of myself and many others speaks for itself. The T-dawg works as well as I have used it but I have never had positive results like I have with the Fat Fast.
Hey MP - I didn’t have much to lose, maybe 5-7 to hit 12%. The problem is I carry it all over my abs. You know how some girls will be 15% bf and have great abs? Not me, I’m not so lucky. I feel these great deep serrations in my abs, but most my abs are still covered more than I’d like. Don’t be jealous though, I’ve still got the size 18’s I barely used to squeeze into I’m just finally near the end of my fat loss journey.
As for what I’m eating, the last two days I up’ed my calories to 1500 (my bmr is 1800) because I stopped with the norandro. The nor made me EXTREMELY sensitive in a certain area and slightly enlarged. I’m not enlarged anymore, but, I’m done experimenting with nor. I’m still losing fat just as fast I think, I just fear going too low on calories without supps, I don’t wanna lose my hard earned muscle. I eat 150 gm protein, 100gm fat appx. Even if the fat loss slows and it takes me 2 - 3 weeks to get this last bit off, I’ll still have the best physique of my life this summer . Good Luck.
Just to throw my 2 cents in… This is one hardcore diet! I don’t actually do it myself now, but I did it before it was called FF 2 years ago, then again last year. I did them for just 3 weeks each, cause that all I needed. I got cut, but lost those love handles. I just happened to be reading the posts, and its interesting to see most if not all of you guys in pain with the hunger. The first time I tried this plan, I started it on a Monday, so I figured let me eat like a freakin hog on sat. and sunday. Big big big mistake! Those hunger pains and headaches and all the other great stuff that comes with it started immediately on monday, and did not subside throughout. Next time, I got smart, and generally decreased my craving for carbs by taking 2 weeks to ease them out, then got in to the full fledged diet, and had no complaint at all. It was a breeze. My only challenge with it was the strength near the end of the 3 weeks. So, if anyone is starting this FF out soon, I suggest that method.
Brooklyn might be on to something there. I don’t think that I have suffered from the hunger pangs as much as a lot of people have. After reading his post maybe it makes sense why I didn’t. Before I started the fast I was on a modified version of the T-Dawg Diet where my carbs were already kept to a minimum. Therefore my body didn’t react so harshly.This might be a good idea for those of you that are starting soon.
Okay, you all have inspired me. Based upon all of your trial and errors what would you suggest as far as fiber supplementation? I plan to get the Advanced Protein plus flax and fish oils.
My clients are going to HATE me! Better breath downwind.