Sorry it took me a while to respond, but I composed a lengthy, detailed answer that somehow got lost in the internet vapors. Love it when that happens, don’t you?
Anyway, on to my responses. As I mentioned before, I was too gun-shy and uncertain about where this was heading to invest the time in “before” shots or readings. My educated guess is that I started at about 17-18%, and am currently at 10-11% (that’s conservative…I may be a bit lower). Unscientific, I know, but these guesses are based on mirror analysis as well as previous experience in doing such transformations. As for pictures, I may try to fire up the new digital camera just before Thanksgiving and see if I can submit a couple of shots (might have to deal with this frightening snow-white tan, though).
As far as strength levels, I lost not a single ounce in any of my major lifts. Like I mentioned before, I attribute this as much to the boatloads of andro and ephedrine I’m on. If you’re just curious about my lifts, I should warn you I’m a broken old shit (43) currently dealing with both rotator and knee issues. Given that caveat, I generally handled the following (plus or minus)during the diet: Squat (below parallel, no wraps): 350x6; Romanian Deads: 365x6; Power Rack Deads (just below knees): 575x2; DB rows: 120x6; Pulldowns: 220x8; DB bench: 120x6. I can’t do any overhead work right now because of the rotators, but I usually handle 170-180 in the military press for sets of 2-3; I’m still able to do most DB lateral movements, and continue to use 40-50 pounds in most of those. As far as my supplemental exercises, most of those involved Hammer or cable movements (again, because of injury). Those I actually saw some improvement in, probably because I could really bear down without worrying about stabilizers.
On the cheat Sundays, once I finished the carb-up breakfast I just resumed my normal eating schedule a couple of hours afterward (allowing the sugars to clear before resuming fats). There would probably be a more precise way of doing things, but it seemed to work.
I used 200mg of r-ALA while I was preparing the meal, then the same immediately afterward. I used AST’s brand…I know there’s another thread in which AST is trashed, but I’ve always liked there stuff. And I never considered taking the r-ALA every day…I really wasn’t ingesting enough carbs to worry about, plus I’m not convinced that you have to be in ketosis all the time to burn fat, anyway.
The T-2 and guggols seemed to work great, although I’m not certain you could call them “necessary.” My fat loss did ramp up again after adding them, though, so my thyroid probably was napping by the third week. As to Hotrox, why not PM me where we can discuss offline.
The psyllium I used is called Colon Cleanse, which I got at a local health store. It’s by Health Plus, Inc., and I got it for around $9 (48 servings). If you can’t find it, there web address is I’m sure there are other, similar brands, but be sure to get one that is pure psyllium husk (that way you don’t ingest unnecessary carbs).
I stayed away from solids for a good portion of the diet because that’s the way Brock outlined it. Plus, I’m a lazy shit, and doing it that way made mapping out the calories/protein/fat alot easier. I was afraid that the more I varied the greater the chances of cheating.
Little Jay: wish you’d posted about a month ago! That stuff sounds freakin’ delicious, although almost anything does after a month of salted chocolate casein, I suppose!
Alright, that’ll do it. Hopefully this one gets sent down the right pipe and onto the forum. Thanks again, guys, and feel free to send any other questions my way.