Fat Cyclists

[quote]BFG wrote:
Massif wrote:
BFG - Wideguy become pussy-fied? Say it ain’t so.

from Wideguy’s “Opposites Attract” Post:

Wideguy wrote:

All that being said, she told me that she wants to continue getting to know me and having fun with me, hanging out ect. Which is fine by me:-) As a result of this I’ve decided that if she’s really the only girl I’m interested in, there’s no reason for me to be sleeping with any other women/girls. I’ll admit I was a little apprehensive after this conversation but sure enough the next morning she called me. Then again in the afternoon. Then again last night. And at 7:30 this morning :slight_smile: This should be interesting.

Unbe-f*cking-lievable. Perhaps hell has frozen over, too. Any word on that?


Sounds like he is getting played and doesn’t even know it!! Classic. Still, he could not get laid for 6 months and still be oversexed. Bastard.

[quote]BFG wrote:
Ironpig wrote:
BFG wrote:
Actually, this is interesting.

Who is healthier? Who is in better shape?

(A) a fat cyclist @ 20% bf that rides 100 miles per week
(b) an inactive guy @ 10% BF

Being active is always healthier then being inactive, despite bodyfat.
Here is the future for the hypothetical you proposed:

The fat cyclist’s BF will likely drop (if he at least attempts a lifestyle change and maybe a little less starbucks) due to his cycling… while the inactive 10% guy will get a rude shock the morning he wakes up 30% BF, coughing, short of breath, looking like shit and possessing other health problems related to his inactivity over the years.
Stay active and in my opinion, lift to get bigger and stronger.

That would suck - to wake up one day and be 30% bf. Especially if the day before you were at 10%. It’d be like, “WTF did I EAT last night?!?”

I call bullshit. This guy’s (or gal’s) bf% is not necessarily going to drop. He may even get fatter! Have you not seen people at the gym that are fatter than ever after doing an hour of cardio 5 days per week for eons? How can you say that some person carrying an extra 50#s of fat around is healthier than someone that is naturally lean but inactive? There are a ton of factors: genetics, DIET, type of exercise, intensity, environment, stress, rest, etc. Read some of the articles here on T-Nation - they are HUGELY, IMMENSELY, and GINORMOUSLY helpful.[/quote]

I agree that there are many factors. However, you ignored my original point which stated being active is always healthier then being inactive, thus the active guy is always doing the healthier option. No, he won’t wake up the next day at 30% BF but he has probably got it coming to him, who knows it is hypothetical.
Now, without knowing if any of the two hypothetical individuals you propose have any other health problems, hidden diseases, diabetes etc, no one can be sure who is healthier out of the two. That is just the nature of hypotheticals I suppose.
But, once again, my point is the healthier option is the active path. Read my post again.
Oh, and I have read many articles, they are great.