Wow, what started out to be a rather funny rant about fat guys in tights turned out yet again to be a retarded argument.
Sensitive much?
Wow, what started out to be a rather funny rant about fat guys in tights turned out yet again to be a retarded argument.
Sensitive much?
[quote]Snoop wrote:
Wow, what started out to be a rather funny rant about fat guys in tights turned out yet again to be a retarded argument.
Sensitive much?[/quote]
…maybe the Alpha Male makes them “hormonal”
I am too lazy to read this…
Let me just say that traditionally, cyclists and crew athletes are among the lowest body fats of all athletes.
As a triathlete, I am pretty offended by your bash at cycling. Riders at the tour de france typically burn around 6,000 calories per day in that race. Thats pretty bad ass. Now I know you are talking about some non-professional cyclist, but still, cycling (at the professional level) is not a pussy sport as you seem to tout.
I will now go back and reread this… I just had to get that out of my system.
I reread…
The body fat issue depends on so many variables its rediculous.
Beside the fact that you cant compare bodyfat % unless you use the same exact tool to measure it.
And also… If I recall correctly… Every body fat measure is based off one study done in the early 1900s in which scientists disected 3 WHITE MALE cadavers one Ecto, one Meso, one Endomorph and measured body fat. This would mean that every body fat measurement since is not accurate. This is why bodyfat measuring devices specifically use the word PRECISE and not ACCURATE (two different definitions). And… another reason why so much money is put into developing a way that the DEXA machines (measure Mineral/Bone Density) can accurately scan for body fat.
I agree with cycling as being one of the tougher sports. I also agree with there being a limit on who can wear spandex. I might have agreed had the post not seemed to be a combo bash on cycling and fat spandex. I think you need to leave cycling out the rant.
BFG wrote:
…Who is healthier? Who is in better shape?
(A) a fat cyclist @ 20% bf that rides 100 miles per week
(b) an inactive guy @ 10% BF
Ross Hunt wrote:
Endurance training kills fast-twitch muscle fibers; if all a) does is pedal, b) might have an easier path to becoming a power athlete than A). Power athletes do better at endurance events than vice versa.
Moon Knight wrote:
The question was about their level of health, not about who would be in a better position to potentially become a power athelete. The question addresses their current state, not what they could become, and, personally I’m not sure there’s a clear case that a power athelete would be the most healthy(could be but thats another debate)."[/quote]
Setting aside the health issue for now: I don’t think it’s useful to consider athletes irrespective of potential. No good athlete’s value can be reasonably measured by what he can do in his ‘current state’; good lifters peak only a couple times a year, and even endurance athletes take long layoffs.
Moreover, the greates virtue of power-end sports is that those who do them demonstrate an excellent ability to learn new motor patterns, whereas steady-state endurance athletes are almost uniformly awful at learning new motor patterns, especially those requiring speed or coordination.
The cross-training of the future is interval- and circuit-based exercise: Anaerobic and non-steady-state-aerobic exercise that spares fast-twitch muscle fibers: Sprints with ample rest periods, circuits of light power exercises, calisthenics, and sprints performed non-stop for time.
[quote]trigwu wrote:
I am too lazy to read this…
Let me just say that traditionally, cyclists and crew athletes are among the lowest body fats of all athletes.
As a triathlete, I am pretty offended by your bash at cycling. Riders at the tour de france typically burn around 6,000 calories per day in that race. Thats pretty bad ass. Now I know you are talking about some non-professional cyclist, but still, cycling (at the professional level) is not a pussy sport as you seem to tout.
I will now go back and reread this… I just had to get that out of my system.[/quote]
If you were too lazy to read this, how could you be offended?
No-one ever said high level cycling is for pussies. Maybe you should have read the post and then commented, instead of commenting on a post that you confess you know nothing about.
The original post was fucking funny, and anyone who can’t sit back and have a giggle at it or themselves probably needs to get laid more. Actually, I think everyone should get laid more (Wideguy excepted - he gets too much).
Irony 101
For every one of you who thought BFG was bashing the sport of cycling, learn reading comprehension please. All the guy was doing was ripping on a couple fat guys who were riding on thier bikes which they obviously dropped a boatload of money into. It is the same as someone making fun of a skinny kid asking if he should cut, or a fat guy asking if 5000 calories is enough for his upcoming bulking cycle.
It is basic irony, which to some of us is funny. Like, guy spend butt loads of cash on said bike, one would assume guy spends butt load of time on bike due to the level of his investment, yet said guy looks like he rides 1 mile every other day, and eats pizza, wings and beer every night for dinner. That my friends is funny.
BFG I’m with ya brother.
[quote]Massif wrote:
No-one ever said high level cycling is for pussies. Maybe you should have read the post and then commented, instead of commenting on a post that you confess you know nothing about.
The original post was fucking funny, and anyone who can’t sit back and have a giggle at it or themselves probably needs to get laid more. Actually, I think everyone should get laid more (Wideguy excepted - he gets too much).[/quote]
well, this post looks like it is directly aimed at all cyclists.
BFG wrote:
"I really don’t care. It just annoyed me the other day.
My point with the rant was this:
Why do people do long haul road biking?
joy of spandex?
genital numbness from that seat?"
[quote]KiloSprinter wrote:
well, this post looks like it is directly aimed at all cyclists.
BFG wrote:
"I really don’t care. It just annoyed me the other day.
My point with the rant was this:
Why do people do long haul road biking?
joy of spandex?
genital numbness from that seat?"
Do some of you guys just get an enjoyment about finding offense out of anything along with poor reading comprhension and a desire to play up the Straw Man, and have a roudy fun debate where you protect what you value dearly, when it’s not even being attacked? Mellow out.
How does his post seem like a direct insult on Cycling, no where has ANYONE said anything about how tough or the validation that Cycling is a sport, the title itself says “FAT CYCLIST” not “CYCLIST”, that alone is reading comprehension 101. The rest of the comments were lighthearted at best.
It’s as if I started a thread about “Fat Basketball players” and noticed a lot of the guys playing pick up games who took of their shirts and had huge man-breasts and took an hour to get from each side of the court, while right after the game chowing down on donuts…I wouldn’t expect ex-College players to come in here and tell me how hard Basketball is at a pro level (obviously not the case) or some other blabber fest of personal stories which seem to be filled with a little of the ego push.
Yes, I think fat cyclist are funny, who drop a ton of money (their right no shit) who go for rides and then come back home and eat like shit. Yes, I think fat basketball players who can barely keep up are funny, and no I am not a demonic monster who just goes around hurting Carebears feelings.
The next time I notice the ACG (Anti-Cylist Group) gathering and threatening to kill all Cyclist and take away their rights as American Citizens I will let you guys know, and then you will have something to defend.
[quote]KiloSprinter wrote:
Massif wrote:
No-one ever said high level cycling is for pussies. Maybe you should have read the post and then commented, instead of commenting on a post that you confess you know nothing about.
The original post was fucking funny, and anyone who can’t sit back and have a giggle at it or themselves probably needs to get laid more. Actually, I think everyone should get laid more (Wideguy excepted - he gets too much).
well, this post looks like it is directly aimed at all cyclists.
BFG wrote:
"I really don’t care. It just annoyed me the other day.
My point with the rant was this:
Why do people do long haul road biking?
joy of spandex?
genital numbness from that seat?"
Firstly, I need to get laid more. That would keep me from posting here so much and thus offending all of the apparently bad-ass cyclists and triathletes here on T-Nation.
(B) Wideguy is now p-whipped over a girl that he isn’t even having sex with. Has hell frozen over? News at 11.
IV- The original post was aimed to poke fun at, umm, lessee here, [looking at thread TITLE] Fat Cyclists. I did not say that cycling was easy. I did not say that all cyclists are pussies. But, after further analysis, I would say that most pussies are indeed cyclists. While accurate, that statement may lack precision due to the thickness of the candy shell on your brain.
Lastly, I really DO care. Mostly, I am concerned about the well being of obnoxiously dressed fat guys. But sometimes I just really find satisfaction in pissing people off so easily.
Did everyone who resonded to this topic agreeing with BFG start off their life in the gyms as thin and as ripped as you claim to be now?
Have you asked these fat guys how long they have been riding for, maybe they have only been riding for a month. Maybe they have already lost 20kgs and are ripping the fat off quicker than you have even done.
It may be worth actually talking to some of these people and finding out what their story is before you potentially insult them.
Or should we also go and insult all of the fat people at the gym that are working their asses off to get fit and healthy by asking them to leave because we dont understand how they can be working out but still be fat.
Or should we judge you as you have done to them. I would rather be considered fat than ignorant.
[quote]BFG wrote:
Actually, this is interesting.
Who is healthier? Who is in better shape?
(A) a fat cyclist @ 20% bf that rides 100 miles per week
(b) an inactive guy @ 10% BF
Being active is always healthier then being inactive, despite bodyfat.
Here is the future for the hypothetical you proposed:
The fat cyclist’s BF will likely drop (if he at least attempts a lifestyle change and maybe a little less starbucks) due to his cycling… while the inactive 10% guy will get a rude shock the morning he wakes up 30% BF, coughing, short of breath, looking like shit and possessing other health problems related to his inactivity over the years.
Stay active and in my opinion, lift to get bigger and stronger.
[quote]helga wrote:
Did everyone who resonded to this topic agreeing with BFG start off their life in the gyms as thin and as ripped as you claim to be now?
Have you asked these fat guys how long they have been riding for, maybe they have only been riding for a month. Maybe they have already lost 20kgs and are ripping the fat off quicker than you have even done.
It may be worth actually talking to some of these people and finding out what their story is before you potentially insult them.
Or should we also go and insult all of the fat people at the gym that are working their asses off to get fit and healthy by asking them to leave because we dont understand how they can be working out but still be fat.
Or should we judge you as you have done to them. I would rather be considered fat than ignorant.
Agree with you there. Good post.
[quote]helga wrote:
Did everyone who resonded to this topic agreeing with BFG start off their life in the gyms as thin and as ripped as you claim to be now?
At which point did I claim to be thin and ripped? QUIT making inferences that suit your argument. The fact of the matter is that I am a FFB, and I know what it takes to not be a fat POS.
Yeah. We sat down and discussed their fatness for over an hour. But all I heard was “blah blah blah, check out my package.”
Or should we also go and insult all of the fat people at the gym that are working their asses off to get fit and healthy by asking them to leave because we dont understand how they can be working out but still be fat.
Or should we judge you as you have done to them. [/quote]
But I do understand why they work out and are still fat. That’s the point. I don’t mind fat people at the gym SO LONG AS THEY DON"T INTERFERE WITH ME. Don’t ride the elliptical for an hour - it’s not working for you. Don’t curl in the squat rack - it’s not working for you. Don’t wear that spandex - it is not working for ME.
I would rather be considered fat than ignorant.[/quote]
Fortunately, in case you haven’t noticed, I don’t too much give a f*ck what I am considered as. I am actually a pretty nice guy with a wicked-cynical-sarcastic-humorous-mean streak. I made a funny jab at a particular group of people. Deal. Or don’t.
As always, with LOVE,
[quote]Ironpig wrote:
BFG wrote:
Actually, this is interesting.
Who is healthier? Who is in better shape?
(A) a fat cyclist @ 20% bf that rides 100 miles per week
(b) an inactive guy @ 10% BF
Being active is always healthier then being inactive, despite bodyfat.
Here is the future for the hypothetical you proposed:
The fat cyclist’s BF will likely drop (if he at least attempts a lifestyle change and maybe a little less starbucks) due to his cycling… while the inactive 10% guy will get a rude shock the morning he wakes up 30% BF, coughing, short of breath, looking like shit and possessing other health problems related to his inactivity over the years.
Stay active and in my opinion, lift to get bigger and stronger.[/quote]
That would suck - to wake up one day and be 30% bf. Especially if the day before you were at 10%. It’d be like, “WTF did I EAT last night?!?”
I call bullshit. This guy’s (or gal’s) bf% is not necessarily going to drop. He may even get fatter! Have you not seen people at the gym that are fatter than ever after doing an hour of cardio 5 days per week for eons? How can you say that some person carrying an extra 50#s of fat around is healthier than someone that is naturally lean but inactive? There are a ton of factors: genetics, DIET, type of exercise, intensity, environment, stress, rest, etc. Read some of the articles here on T-Nation - they are HUGELY, IMMENSELY, and GINORMOUSLY helpful.
[quote]helga wrote:
Did everyone who resonded to this topic agreeing with BFG start off their life in the gyms as thin and as ripped as you claim to be now?
Have you asked these fat guys how long they have been riding for, maybe they have only been riding for a month. Maybe they have already lost 20kgs and are ripping the fat off quicker than you have even done.
It may be worth actually talking to some of these people and finding out what their story is before you potentially insult them.
Or should we also go and insult all of the fat people at the gym that are working their asses off to get fit and healthy by asking them to leave because we dont understand how they can be working out but still be fat.
Or should we judge you as you have done to them. I would rather be considered fat than ignorant.
It’s lots of fun making fun of fat people; try it out next time you are with your friends!
Fat people should be ridiculed without mercy until they see the error of their ways!
(sarcasm…mostly, I really do enjoy making fun of fat people! Especially my brother!)
[quote]helga wrote:
Did everyone who resonded to this topic agreeing with BFG start off their life in the gyms as thin and as ripped as you claim to be now?
Have you asked these fat guys how long they have been riding for, maybe they have only been riding for a month. Maybe they have already lost 20kgs and are ripping the fat off quicker than you have even done.
It may be worth actually talking to some of these people and finding out what their story is before you potentially insult them.
Or should we also go and insult all of the fat people at the gym that are working their asses off to get fit and healthy by asking them to leave because we dont understand how they can be working out but still be fat.
Or should we judge you as you have done to them. I would rather be considered fat than ignorant.
See what I mean about people needing to get laid more?
Firstly, where did anyone claim to be “ripped” on this or any other thread? Get off your high horse and get with the loving.
These cyclists may well have lost 300lbs for all I care. Anybody who isn’t ripped and wearing lycra in public deserves a whoopin’. Men wearing lycra in general is pretty unfortunate and should be discouraged at all costs.
“…should we also go and insult all of the fat people at the gym that are working their asses off to get fit and healthy by asking them to leave because we dont understand how they can be working out but still be fat.”
Firstly, strawman tactics at work - truly pathetic. The cyclists were standing in Starbucks; they weren’t cycling. And since 90% of Starbuck’s menu is pure sugar-filled shit, I am going to assume that these guys were not there for post workout nutrition.
Secondly, bugger all people work their asses off in a gym, so I can easily understand how people can workout and still be fat.
Thirdly, if these same gym junkies were wearing lycra and drinking double choc lattes with extra ass at Starbucks, they are begging to have the piss taken out of them.
BFG - Wideguy become pussy-fied? Say it ain’t so.
The secret to 100 mile, plus, cycling on the weekends lies in the saddle bags these large men carry around their waist! Just look at all that potential energy! It’s like when a bear hibernates in the winter, using all that stored up fat for food and nurishment! One could go for a sport of hunting and show-off their fat cyclist’s pelts dawned in nylon and spandex on their living room wall. Right over the fireplace of course…
"I shot this twenty-two percenter right off his bicycle seat last spring! He must have sprinted two miles before he bled to death. Tuff ole bastard this one was…
[quote]Massif wrote:
BFG - Wideguy become pussy-fied? Say it ain’t so.[/quote]
from Wideguy’s “Opposites Attract” Post:
[quote]Wideguy wrote:
All that being said, she told me that she wants to continue getting to know me and having fun with me, hanging out ect. Which is fine by me:-) As a result of this I’ve decided that if she’s really the only girl I’m interested in, there’s no reason for me to be sleeping with any other women/girls. I’ll admit I was a little apprehensive after this conversation but sure enough the next morning she called me. Then again in the afternoon. Then again last night. And at 7:30 this morning This should be interesting.[/quote]
Unbe-f*cking-lievable. Perhaps hell has frozen over, too. Any word on that?
[quote]Original_Demon wrote:
The secret to 100 mile, plus, cycling on the weekends lies in the saddle bags these large men carry around their waist! Just look at all that potential energy! It’s like when a bear hibernates in the winter, using all that stored up fat for food and nurishment! One could go for a sport of hunting and show-off their fat cyclist’s pelts dawned in nylon and spandex on their living room wall. Right over the fireplace of course…
"I shot this twenty-two percenter right off his bicycle seat last spring! He must have sprinted two miles before he bled to death. Tuff ole bastard this one was… [/quote]
Agree with you there. Good post.