Fat Factoid #1) When losing all dietry control for an extended period of time (more than three days going from 2000cals/day to 5000cals/day or more) I have noticed that I immediately start sweating like hell at night as my metabolic furnace kicks in, I begin to smooth out due to water retention, but it takes about 3 days before I begin storing the excess as fat. How can I tell you may ask? Well, I can always tell because my entire torso (ribcage/abs) starts to feel like it’s bruised (this happens to be the first place I store/burn fat). I am dead serious. Every time I cross the fat burn / fat storage barrier fast enough by either binge eating or insane cardio I feel this type of skin sensitivity. Very strange, but it is just like clockwork everytime. Fat Factoid #2) If you pinch an area on your body where there is little or no fat like your forearms and roll the skin between your fingers it will roll smoothly. Now go to a place that has very dense fat and do the same thing. It will also roll smoothly. Now go to a place where the fat is a bit thinner and less dense until you find an area (maybe lower abs) that will NOT roll smoothly. This is where you are burning fat. As the fat breaks down it takes on a different texture and as you lean you can actually feel where the fat is being burnt from. As the fat burns away I can feel the “texture” moving from place to place. Give it a try. You will be just as surprised as I was. Fat Factoid #3) When approaching 6% bodyfat and doing heavy amounts of cardio I can actually feel the fat being mobilized for usage. As you burn away fat, the surface area of fat decreases and heat generated by the utilization of fat for fuel becomes more focused. A typical example is for the first five minutes of any cardio session I have to labor over every step because glucose is the primary fuel source until the fat kicks in. After five minutes I can feel my abdominal region heat up just like when using menthol shaving cream. At 8 to 10 minutes the rest of my body increases to my ab temperature and I don’t have to labor over the exercise because fat utilization for fuel has begun. I know these factoids may sound bunk, but I shit you not. Maybe I am really in tune with that sort of thing, I don’t know. Does anyone else have these same signs or signs similar to these that they wish to share?