Hey guys, I’ve been training hard for about 2 years (my first year of training was a write off because I had no idea what I was doing lol) and I’m currently about 2 months into a cut. I started out at 206lbs and I’m down to 190lbs I’m 5’9" and train six days a week. My diet is very clean and I do cardio three times a week. I’m still going to need to lose another 8-10lbs to be as lean as I’d like. I’m going down south with some friends on may 1st.
My question is how much ephedrine should I stack w/ a fatburner. I’ve never taken a fatburner before, I was thinking i’d take a fatburner along with about 25mgs of ephedrine. Any advice would be great.
I currently do HIIT a few times a week. I can’t really cut out carbs much more than I already have since I’m a student, and I really feel like a very low carb diet turns my brain to mush. Ephedrine is really easy to get here in Candada and I find when im on it I get much better workouts. Plus when its stacked w/ caffine its a good fat burner.
I currently do HIIT, cutting out anymore carbs isn’t going to work because I’m a student and when I go on a really low carb diet it turns my brain to mush lol.
sorry for the double posts there must be something wrong with my internet connection
I say the stack I mentioned is plenty, and MUCH cheaper than most (if not all) fat burners on the market. Black coffee is cheap, and I got ephedrine (in the form of “bronchaid”) from walgreens for 15 bucks
[quote]thefatlineman wrote:
found these at walgreens
well im curious to get the 50 75mgs
will the other ingredients in these medicines cause any troubles
I’d be willing to wager that, if you just drastically cut calories from carbs (and kept protein and fats high), you could lose a significant amount of fat. Fuck all of the crazy meds, just lower your sugar intake.
[quote]thefatlineman wrote:
found these at walgreens
well im curious to get the 50 75mgs
will the other ingredients in these medicines cause any troubles
Is that you in the picture? If so, you don’t need any of that shit, even if you were shredded, I wouldn’t take meds that are intended for other purposes to get lean
Thanks for the responces fellas! Like I said before I can get real ephedrine where I live for cheap. I think I’ll run the EC stack for about three weeks and see how it works. I’ll post some after pics if anyone is intrested.