hello,am going to take ephedrine and caffeine for losing fat and energy,
what is the best way to take it ?
what dosage ?
the bottle say not take ephedrine for more that 7 day why?
tank you
I use ephedrine on a regular basis to increase my workout intensity but for weightloss purposes its generally dosed at 75mg ephedrine/750mg caffeine divided into three servings a day.
For an added thermogenic affect take with aspirin, this will keep your temperature elevated. Ephedrine is a powerful SNS stimulator so its usually best to cycle it so you dont stress the heart too much. I would say maybe two months on 2-4 weeks off… Stay hydrated!
I started E and C just before the new year and am still on. Personally, it took about 2 weeks for my body to adapt to where the sides were no longer an interference in my performance, both gym and school wise.
I am currently trying to find what works for me, mind you I’m not trying to cut, just maintian gains from a previous cycle. I have noticed quite a diminished ‘effect’ from taking it for around 50 days, with a few days with maybe 1 dose.
I find it helps curb hunger, so on my nonworkout(lower carb) days I take 3x daily, and for workouts, for the ‘stimulation’, 2xdaily. It’s also good at getting you out of bed in the morning as well as pumping out a couple extra hours of work near the end of the day. I have noticed the thermogenic effects, with respect to feeling warmer and sweating a bit more, also an increase in resting heart rate by around 15bpm as I recall.
Give it a shot, it’s a pretty good combo.
When you come off it you’re gonna feel like you just took a boot to the sack and you’re gonna drag ass for a few days, be ready for that. It is hardcore addictive. I was on it on and off, mostly on, for like 5 years and just finally stopped taking it about 6 months ago. I am afraid of taking it again because I am a stimulant whore.
20-25mgs ephedrine, along with 200mgs caffeine, and an asprine…take this 2 to 3 times a day…you’ll notice a big increase in energy, and focus at the gym…try this combo for about 4 weeks, then take a few off…don’t do it too long, as you can get an addiction to it…like H-Train said comin off can be a bitch sometimes…so be ready.
Do a search for epherdrine and caffiene dosing according to bodyweight. I weigh 200lbs and get the best results from 40 mgs eph/ 350 mgs caff and 1 aspirin for fat loss. There is a formula out there that the US military did their studies on perfomance enhancement…
Be careful if this is your first time trying it. Start with a very low dose and gradually ramp up. Some people are very sensitive to ECA and some can take a lot without problems.
[quote]iksrtfo28 wrote:
20-25mgs ephedrine, along with 200mgs caffeine, and an asprine…take this 2 to 3 times a day…you’ll notice a big increase in energy, and focus at the gym…try this combo for about 4 weeks, then take a few off…don’t do it too long, as you can get an addiction to it…like H-Train said comin off can be a bitch sometimes…so be ready.[/quote]
As far as I know, ephedrine itself has yet to be clinically proven to have addictive properties.
You can however become mentally addicted to the “feeling”.
Caffeine however, has been proven to be addictive and can be hard to kick.
Best approach if you are clean of these currently would be to taper on and taper off.
Dropping caffeine doses dramatically will definately cause a crash and experience headaches and similar reactions to quiting most drugs ie, anxiety, sleeplessness etc.
try taking it the way poliquin recommends
5 days 8mg with 80 mg caffeine in the am
5 days double it in the am
5 days triple it in the am
5 days add one more dose in the afternoon
5 days add 2 doses in the after noon
5 days add 3 doses in the after noon
5 days 3 am 3 mid and 1 in mid afternoon
stay there for a while before increasing
tanks for you help
but if I do lots of high intensity cardio can be bad for my heart?
too much stress on my heart?
because I can run lots more with this stuff
tank you
10 -1 ratio with 20mgs./200mgs. caffeine and definitely add in an aspirin at each dose! Tolerance will increase. I always felt once i wasn’t feeling the energy i would stay off for a week or so to let the body recupe! How many times a day depends on your tolerance! I personnally cant take any stims after about 3 or 4! At least without a zanny or something to help me sleep! And if you can tolerate it easily at tis ratio, just increase as the dudes previously said! Its an awesome stack (with the aspirin!) You can get the cheap aspirin from Walmart for like 2 bucks for a couple hundred tabs…
[quote]shamus wrote:
10 -1 ratio with 20mgs./200mgs. caffeine and definitely add in an aspirin at each dose! Tolerance will increase. I always felt once i wasn’t feeling the energy i would stay off for a week or so to let the body recupe! How many times a day depends on your tolerance! I personnally cant take any stims after about 3 or 4! At least without a zanny or something to help me sleep! And if you can tolerate it easily at tis ratio, just increase as the dudes previously said! Its an awesome stack (with the aspirin!) You can get the cheap aspirin from Walmart for like 2 bucks for a couple hundred tabs… [/quote]
Why add in the aspirin?
I’ve read that it was included for theoretical reasons that were since disproven…
what I understand, and from my experience…the aspirin works with the E/C, making the effects last longer
Aspirin seems to thin the blood which makes it more effective. I’m no scientist and most of you guys on here make me feel retarded, but I believe it makes the transport of E and C better.
Many say the ECA stack is bunk and it’s really the EC that matters, but I always felt much more with the aspirin, especially considering my shoulders have taken a beating over the years and it really helps the pain. Does anyone on here take aspirin regularly before workouts?
I personally would replace the aspirin with 500mg of l-tyrosine-I add this to 25mg ephedrine and 200mg of caffeine. In the early 90’s I added the 325 of aspirin and after 6-12 months I developed some nasty stomach problems, which after many trips to various doctors I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. The tyrosine is supposed to make ephedrine more effective and my guts can handle it fine.
Could someone tell me the difference between Ephedrine and Ephedrine HCL? Does it make any difference which you take? Is one more dangerous than another? How much should you be paying for ephedrine?