Anyone with good result with 100g carbs total per day on a diet? A low carb / fat and hight protein diet.
I had 30g of carbs or less in a day for 2 months & it worked like crazy.
Hey I have had great results. The only problem I have had was with my supplement load and diet are quite expensive, well at least for me since I am a college student. I have been doing GVT 2000 while maintaining a 100 carb a day limit 6 days a week and carbing up on one day. I have also been getting around 250 grams of protein. I ahve lost 2 % body fat in 5 weeks and have still gained some LBM. My supplement list includes Methoxy-7 for all 5 weeks, tribex for the first 3 weeks, Md^ all weeks, T-2 one cap every other day for the last 2 weeks and finasol and surge for the last 2 weeks. Good luck hope this info helps.
Did the 100g of carbs a day for approximatly two weeks. I probably went over a few days. I used surge for 50g of it. Went from 192 to 186.
I feel best on under 200g of carbs per day and the results were the same as when I was consuming under 100 but without the rebound weight gain.