Fake Lifting Numbers?

some guy on Youtube posted these numbers, granted he is real BIG, but I still think he’s exaggerating.

what you guys think?

Military press freeweight 500 for 8, and 600 on the smith machine for 4. Bench press 700 for 2 reps. Barbell curl 300 for 2 reps.


[quote]sumabeast wrote:
some guy on Youtube posted these numbers, granted he is real BIG, but I still think he’s exaggerating.

what you guys think?

Military press freeweight 500 for 8, and 600 on the smith machine for 4. Bench press 700 for 2 reps. Barbell curl 300 for 2 reps. [/quote]

are you talking about that guy there was a thread on at bb.com?

Pretty sure the world record for OH Press is around 500 pounds, held by a former russion Olympic weight lifter.

I do all that too, what you want a video screw you I have nothing to prove to the internet


Last I checked, world record bench press is held by Scott Mendelsen at 715lbs. (No compression jacket) Very few other people even come close.

[quote]RockSolidFitness wrote:
Last I checked, world record bench press is held by Scott Mendelsen at 715lbs. (No compression jacket) Very few other people even come close. [/quote]

it’s called a bench shirt

Do you really need to check to see if these are fake?

[quote]KBCThird wrote:
RockSolidFitness wrote:
Last I checked, world record bench press is held by Scott Mendelsen at 715lbs. (No compression jacket) Very few other people even come close.

it’s called a bench shirt[/quote]

Good Call.

I can do 600lb and I’m only 15.

HAH! Your fake stats are laughable compared to mine. I was born 8 pounds 4672 oz. and had a 601lbs. C&J.

one time i curled a baby jesus

Ronnie Coleman can deadlift 1000kg easily.

I can push press 500 kg, I’m natural though and I train with odd lifts first and foremost.

Hold on, the numbers could actually be real, depending on if we are talking pound mass, or pound force. Well, that and you’d have to live on a smaller planet.

Former strongman Magnus Samuellson. I bet the internet monster can’t do the same as this man, and if he could he should be in competitions.