[quote]jehovasfitness wrote:
I have to agree somewhat with 781 here.
Surely, anyone can admit that for a female to look like that “supergirl” chick is battling some kind of psychological disorder. She looked and sounded like a dude, then said it upsets her when people come up and like “excuse me sir”.
well, if I put on a wig and wear a dress and someone comes up behind me and says “excuse me miss”, that’s my fault.
and clearly, there’s something wrong with the guy (anyone else reminded of Dukes of Hazzard or Kal El’s dad with him, lol), when this guy is in the middle of the woods doing this weird shit. he may not be harming anyone, but it’s weird as shit
he might as well be a closet gay guy, considering the women he finds atrractive are basically guys [/quote]
OK. You might have some confusion over what a “psychological disorder” is so let me break it down for you.
To be considered a clinical “disorder” someone’s behavior/psychology must negatively influence their daily lives. That’s the litmus test. If you jack yourself with steroids and wear a clown suit to work every day but it does not affect your life negatively (you are able to keep your job, sustain your relationships, etc) then it is not a disorder. You might be a weirdo, but it’s not a psychological disorder.
Another point. Psychological disorders are diagnosed relative to social norms. And some social norms are bound to be morally wrong or just plain stupid. So even if someone’s behavior can be classified as a psychological disorder, (e.g. an extreme bodybuilder whose life suffers as a result of this lifestyle choice)we should question whether it is the person or the society that has the issues. The psychological community is well aware of this issue and that’s why many wiser psychologists are not so quick to consider eccentric lifestyles that affect people negatively as being “disorders”, even though they are clinically capable of doing so.
For the most part, female bodybuilders creep me out. I’m no bodybuilder either - it’s not my thing. But they are busting ass in ways most people cannot even imagine and they are dedicating themselves to an ideal so I don’t judge their lifestyle negatively because I ultimately judge someones lifestyle on virtue - and the pursuit of bodybuilding is rich in that.