Extreme Bodybuilding Documentary

This BBC documentary totally cracked me up! I found it on youtube for y’all but unfortunately they broke it down into 5 parts. It’s worth watching the whole thing if you have time, just for the entertainment factor.




“I have a big penis, Goddammit!”



It was pretty funny at times, however the guy who promotes the female muscle thing really gives me the creeps.

[quote]Rattler wrote:

It was pretty funny at times, however the guy who promotes the female muscle thing really gives me the creeps.[/quote]


His house in the middle of the woods and him stating that a lot of things happen there. lol

HOOOOOOLY SHIT@ dude obsessed w/ chicks that look like dudes. I think it was ImHungry

im just logging comments as i watch this…WTF @ “supergirl” holy shit. that was a fucking man.

lol@ the face he makes when the weird guy is like “i can show you drug free women with muscles like this”

and MMMMMMMMMM look at Staci

i really think theres something psychologically wrong with a woman to desire herself to get that big and something equally distrubed in a man who finds a “woman” like that attractive.

i think people Ronnie’s size are fucking rediculous too, its not just the girls.

[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
HOOOOOOLY SHIT@ dude obsessed w/ chicks that look like dudes. I think it was ImHungry

im just logging comments as i watch this…WTF @ “supergirl” holy shit. that was a fucking man.

lol@ the face he makes when the weird guy is like “i can show you drug free women with muscles like this”

and MMMMMMMMMM look at Staci

i really think theres something psychologically wrong with a woman to desire herself to get that big and something equally distrubed in a man who finds a “woman” like that attractive.

i think people Ronnie’s size are fucking rediculous too, its not just the girls.[/quote]

There are people saying the same thing about you.

Any time you stand out from the norm, expect that there are people out there who think there is something wrong with you for it.

The real issue is whether you actually give a shit what other people think.

I won’t be changing my goals because of someone else’s opinion. Why do you feel the need to weigh in on someone else’s personal choices like that?

It was decent viewing but i think it could have explored more areas of “extreme” bodybuilding than just spending 30mins of women’s bodybuilding.

[quote]Professor X wrote:

There are people saying the same thing about you.

Any time you stand out from the norm, expect that there are people out there who think there is something wrong with you for it.

The real issue is whether you actually give a shit what other people think.

I won’t be changing my goals because of someone else’s opinion. Why do you feel the need to weigh in on someone else’s personal choices like that?[/quote]

Well said. No matter what you do, what you look like ect… There’s always gonna be people out there finding fault with something. So why bother caring? Even though some of those women really did look like dudes to me, I’m not slandering them. It’s what they want to look like, kudos to them. I respect not only their size and determination, but their ability to overcome the obstacle that is almost all humans who ever look at them.

because theres a difference between standing out from the norm but doing it withen “normal” contexts.

for instance taking something like musculature. its appealing to 99% of people and you can exploit that by increasing your level of it. but i think there is a very big difference (literally) between the musculature portrayed in the 70’ early 80’s versus what we have today.

when you start becoming that extreme 1% of something that is already outstanding from the basics then you have to question what is it that makes you want this.

if a woman wants to change her physique where she starts looking more masculine than even most males a red flag goes up because there is a very big difference between being individual and being that.

also i have every right to hold my own opinions. if she thinks that the only way to obtain beauty is through that extreme then there is of course an opposite view which says no, that transformation is an achievement of disfigurement and is ugly. i hold the second opinion.

i often make car analogies to bodybuilding. i look at this as the difference between musclecar drag racing and rocket fuel funnycar racing. on one hand you have something like a 67 Chevelle with big ol 450 engine and that thing is heavy, loud and it means business. but its a still a car, yea it can kick your cars ass but when you see it down the street you know that is just a really fast really badass car.

then you have something like the funnycar. it has 4 wheels and a motor but its not really a car anymore. it can barely turn, its just a chassis and a top and its got a roll cage and wheelie bar, and just goes down the line in 4 seconds. its not really the same thing as a car anymore its just a dragracer and thats all it does.

i hope you understand the point im making that you can still achieve a large amount of muscle mass and stand out from the crowd while still being part of “the crowd” (society) without overdoing it.

[quote]Rattler wrote:
Professor X wrote:

There are people saying the same thing about you.

Any time you stand out from the norm, expect that there are people out there who think there is something wrong with you for it.

The real issue is whether you actually give a shit what other people think.

I won’t be changing my goals because of someone else’s opinion. Why do you feel the need to weigh in on someone else’s personal choices like that?

Well said. No matter what you do, what you look like ect… There’s always gonna be people out there finding fault with something. So why bother caring? Even though some of those women really did look like dudes to me, I’m not slandering them. It’s what they want to look like, kudos to them. I respect not only their size and determination, but their ability to overcome the obstacle that is almost all humans who ever look at them.[/quote]

you respect their choice but they dont respect yours. theres no mutuality here. that guy thinks that the only beautiful woman is one who looks like a man. and he wants to change everyone’s idea to conform to his. generally when people pursue something to that extreme they are aware that they arent just not the norm but theyre freaks and they compensate by trying to push their ideals onto others and make them feel like theyre the wrong ones for not fitting into or agreeing with their ideals. its psyche 101.

I have to agree somewhat with 781 here.

Surely, anyone can admit that for a female to look like that “supergirl” chick is battling some kind of psychological disorder. She looked and sounded like a dude, then said it upsets her when people come up and like “excuse me sir”.

well, if I put on a wig and wear a dress and someone comes up behind me and says “excuse me miss”, that’s my fault.

and clearly, there’s something wrong with the guy (anyone else reminded of Dukes of Hazzard or Kal El’s dad with him, lol), when this guy is in the middle of the woods doing this weird shit. he may not be harming anyone, but it’s weird as shit

he might as well be a closet gay guy, considering the women he finds atrractive are basically guys

since when did a 1967 chevelle ever have a “big ol 450 engine”?

[quote]brian.m wrote:
since when did a 1967 chevelle ever have a “big ol 450 engine”?[/quote]

lol, i wasn’t going to point it out. what’s 4 ci’s anyways :wink:

[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
because theres a difference between standing out from the norm but doing it withen “normal” contexts.

for instance taking something like musculature. its appealing to 99% of people and you can exploit that by increasing your level of it. but i think there is a very big difference (literally) between the musculature portrayed in the 70’ early 80’s versus what we have today.

when you start becoming that extreme 1% of something that is already outstanding from the basics then you have to question what is it that makes you want this.

if a woman wants to change her physique where she starts looking more masculine than even most males a red flag goes up because there is a very big difference between being individual and being that.

also i have every right to hold my own opinions. if she thinks that the only way to obtain beauty is through that extreme then there is of course an opposite view which says no, that transformation is an achievement of disfigurement and is ugly. i hold the second opinion.

i often make car analogies to bodybuilding. i look at this as the difference between musclecar drag racing and rocket fuel funnycar racing. on one hand you have something like a 67 Chevelle with big ol 450 engine and that thing is heavy, loud and it means business. but its a still a car, yea it can kick your cars ass but when you see it down the street you know that is just a really fast really badass car.

then you have something like the funnycar. it has 4 wheels and a motor but its not really a car anymore. it can barely turn, its just a chassis and a top and its got a roll cage and wheelie bar, and just goes down the line in 4 seconds. its not really the same thing as a car anymore its just a dragracer and thats all it does.

i hope you understand the point im making that you can still achieve a large amount of muscle mass and stand out from the crowd while still being part of “the crowd” (society) without overdoing it.

That’s right. Don’t be exceptional because that will distance yourself from “the crowd”.

Nobody will knock you for having personal opinions regarding aesthetics, but to say that people should limit their own desires to conform to your limited aesthetic conception is riduclous and bad for the community at large.

[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
Rattler wrote:
Professor X wrote:

There are people saying the same thing about you.

Any time you stand out from the norm, expect that there are people out there who think there is something wrong with you for it.

The real issue is whether you actually give a shit what other people think.

I won’t be changing my goals because of someone else’s opinion. Why do you feel the need to weigh in on someone else’s personal choices like that?

Well said. No matter what you do, what you look like ect… There’s always gonna be people out there finding fault with something. So why bother caring? Even though some of those women really did look like dudes to me, I’m not slandering them. It’s what they want to look like, kudos to them. I respect not only their size and determination, but their ability to overcome the obstacle that is almost all humans who ever look at them.

you respect their choice but they dont respect yours. theres no mutuality here. that guy thinks that the only beautiful woman is one who looks like a man. and he wants to change everyone’s idea to conform to his. generally when people pursue something to that extreme they are aware that they arent just not the norm but theyre freaks and they compensate by trying to push their ideals onto others and make them feel like theyre the wrong ones for not fitting into or agreeing with their ideals. its psyche 101.

Do you realize that your mentality is the same as that guy’s? How about you just respect other people’s desires to strive for an ideal - even if you think they’ll end up looking like freaks?

[quote]jehovasfitness wrote:
I have to agree somewhat with 781 here.

Surely, anyone can admit that for a female to look like that “supergirl” chick is battling some kind of psychological disorder. She looked and sounded like a dude, then said it upsets her when people come up and like “excuse me sir”.

well, if I put on a wig and wear a dress and someone comes up behind me and says “excuse me miss”, that’s my fault.

and clearly, there’s something wrong with the guy (anyone else reminded of Dukes of Hazzard or Kal El’s dad with him, lol), when this guy is in the middle of the woods doing this weird shit. he may not be harming anyone, but it’s weird as shit

he might as well be a closet gay guy, considering the women he finds atrractive are basically guys [/quote]

OK. You might have some confusion over what a “psychological disorder” is so let me break it down for you.

To be considered a clinical “disorder” someone’s behavior/psychology must negatively influence their daily lives. That’s the litmus test. If you jack yourself with steroids and wear a clown suit to work every day but it does not affect your life negatively (you are able to keep your job, sustain your relationships, etc) then it is not a disorder. You might be a weirdo, but it’s not a psychological disorder.

Another point. Psychological disorders are diagnosed relative to social norms. And some social norms are bound to be morally wrong or just plain stupid. So even if someone’s behavior can be classified as a psychological disorder, (e.g. an extreme bodybuilder whose life suffers as a result of this lifestyle choice)we should question whether it is the person or the society that has the issues. The psychological community is well aware of this issue and that’s why many wiser psychologists are not so quick to consider eccentric lifestyles that affect people negatively as being “disorders”, even though they are clinically capable of doing so.

For the most part, female bodybuilders creep me out. I’m no bodybuilder either - it’s not my thing. But they are busting ass in ways most people cannot even imagine and they are dedicating themselves to an ideal so I don’t judge their lifestyle negatively because I ultimately judge someones lifestyle on virtue - and the pursuit of bodybuilding is rich in that.

do you really think it’s not a health issue for a woman to take so much AAS that she is basically a man?

[quote]jehovasfitness wrote:
do you really think it’s not a health issue for a woman to take so much AAS that she is basically a man?


I’m sure it is.

But I put it in perspective. Knocking on elite athletes for unhealthy steroid use seems so absurd when I consider the health of the masses. You know, some average armchair slob rips on an olympic athlete for using steroids or whatever, and I just want to smack the bastard because that olympic athlete/bodybuilder/whatever is still light years beyond the average joe health-wise. I’m not saying you’re that kind of guy, but that’s my take.

[quote]jehovasfitness wrote:
do you really think it’s not a health issue for a woman to take so much AAS that she is basically a man?


x2 I have a massive respect for these women. In fact I might get a chance to sit down and talk to a female BBer pretty soon. Someone from work is friends with her. Does that mean I think it’s attractive or desireable? no. Do I think it’s still a work of art, the same thing I’m trying to do and it’s hella impressive. absolutely.

[quote]Brayton wrote:
jehovasfitness wrote:
do you really think it’s not a health issue for a woman to take so much AAS that she is basically a man?

I’m sure it is.

But I put it in perspective. Knocking on elite athletes for unhealthy steroid use seems so absurd when I consider the health of the masses. You know, some average armchair slob rips on an olympic athlete for using steroids or whatever, and I just want to smack the bastard because that olympic athlete/bodybuilder/whatever is still light years beyond the average joe health-wise. I’m not saying you’re that kind of guy, but that’s my take.[/quote]

I see your point. I just think there’s a difference in use and abuse.