Externally Rotated Femurs

I havent researched how common this is , but my knees point outwards when i am standing in a hip width position with feet pointing directly forward :


If your knees are externally rotated, im assuming that would also indicate externally rotated femurs(?) Not sure if this would label someone as being ‘bow legged’ or not.

Along with the actual length of your femur, is something like this going to effect your optimal foot angle and stance width when performing squatting movements ? Does it not make a difference ?

Just figured id throw this out there if anyone has a good idea on the subject.

You could possibly run into some hip problems down the road, especially if you squat wide. Here’s a really good stretch Eric Cressey recommends for this

I definitely feel that stretch doing something. Never tried it before.

[quote]mmash34 wrote:
You could possibly run into some hip problems down the road, especially if you squat wide.

This was something i wanted to know a bit more about. Is someone with this kind of bone structure more suited for performing squat movements with a narrower, hip width type stance ?

Also curious about if its good to make a habit of flaring the toes out alot, or trying to keep them in more of a straightforward position.

Im assuming both are probably true because in this case you are trying to produce more …internal rotation.

  1. Your feet aren’t pointing straight forward in those pics
  2. Looks like a great narrow stance squat