this conversation got a bit heated. I was told by an “authority” that the best way to keep IN Season football(specifically) and other athletes strong was by using 75% of their 1rm for sets and reps. My response was “bullshit” as working out at a mediocre level would produce mediocre results and a system such as the 5/3/1 or westside would be a much better solution as your work ME twice a week along with DE twice a week, while still ending up at a 75% +/- average.
His reply is that it would have to be done under scientific circumstances to determine just how effective this would be. I quoted Simmons 63 Elite athletes as proof that you could remain strong or get strong(er) year around. He still called bullshit. Asked what I had as proof. I told him I have blood, scars and vomit on my side.
Who is more correct in this situation ? I am really that off base with this ?
thanks again for the killer T-shirts JIM. How about some sheep’s blood (or equivelent) covering the D.o.W/ N.o.V shirts (you got that eh?) on future shirts ?
My name is not Wendler… but as one of the strongest college football players ever I can speak with some authority
fast answer… surviving 2aday will by & large knock some strength off of one’s top end
so for the first couple weeks of the season I propose that the 75% theory has some merit… I would also argue that it is important to safely ramp up during the season… quick personal example… my soph. year I hit a 440 bench on max day… close with 460… by the end of the season I was @ 475-480…
let’s examine squats… lets say you have a guy with some really good squat strength… 700 lbs. for example… is it really a good idea for that guys to tax his system with high % efforts??? hittin a few explosive 400 pound squats throughout the season would prolly be my advice…
ask ronnie lott what he did if you want a real good answer
DURING THE season, working at 75% , no failure, different sets and reps is for sure a better option tha a 531, moving heavy and max weights often, which could be suited for a part of the off season.
Otherwise, It would get too taxcing.
As a football coach and witnessing first hand athletes getting weaker as the season progresses I advocate progressive ramping weight to keep building strength throughout the season. This would obviously only be done on select movements like squat, deads, bench, milt. and alternated. Something like ME lower on Monday, and ME Upper Tuesday. With DE work done as post game workout for recovery. Could also use Monday, Wed.
I think athletes can push their strength and should even in season.
I gues it depends on the athlete BUT for MYSELF I have found that working up to a heavy triple every week on squat and bench press, and then do on squat day some cleans and snatches and on bench day some military presses in the 6-8 area, works wonders. Back work is done on a separate day.
Can you improve during the season? Yes. But remember you only have so much ability to recover. When playing a sport that lifting is simply GPP, you have to temper developing maximal strength with the ability to recover from a variety of different other skills/needs of the sport.
For someone squatting 700 lbs as a collegiate football player, does it serve them better to “use” their recovery ability to get to 750, OR, spend it on improving their speed, their agility, their technical prowess at their position? Chances are it’s the later rather than the former. Remember the best player isn’t necessarily the strongest player, it’s the player that excels at many things (not just mediocre at a lot of things like crossfit), and brings the full package that ends up playing in the pros.
As a side note, Dr. Yessis, Dr. Issurin, Dr. Verokshansky are all quality sources for bloc periodization - which is a great model for training in-season and keeping the gains going.