Experiences with Arimidex

Hi guys. I read a lot about Arimidex in the forum and in T-mag but apart from Brian’s article in this week’s T-mag I don’t recall seeing any feedback from guys who have actually used this stuff. If you read the drug manufacturers’ sites you will see that they claim that side effects are rare and (for instance) diarrhoea is a possible but very unlikely side effect. Hmmm, not in my experience. In fact on a dosage of approx 0.5 mg (half a tab) per day I experienced mild nausea and less mild diarrhoea when I took the drug on an empty stomach. Generally I haven’t felt quite right since about a week after I started on the stuff. I’ve had to start taking it with food to minimise the side effects but now I’m worried about absorption. The side effects are a bit of a pisser since I am taking it to manage the estrogenic side effects of 500mg of Sustanon per week, on which I expect a slight “feel good” factor. Has anyone else stumped up the extraordinary price for this stuff and given it a go, and if so how did you get on with it? Also does anyone have any useful feedback on dosage? My choice of 0.5 mg/day is based on something Brock wrote a while back.

I have read on numerous boards that .25 mg every third day of arimedex is enough to combat any negative side effects, especially on only 500 mgs a week. The half-life is 50 hours so there is no need to take everyday if used for this purpose. Maybe your blood levels are built up too high and your estrogen is too low–you do need a certain level of estrogen in your body.

I use 5000mg(yes, that s 5 grams of testostrone enanthate/week. 1/4 of an arimidex tablet every 5 th day is enough to prevent almost all the side effects associated to testosterone use. gynecomastia, testicular shrinkage and water retention are no longer a problem. I ve also noticed very little shutdown of my own production of testosterone While off. believe it or not.You are using way too mutch arimidex! You are waisting you money! Look I promess you that if you lower the arimidex dosage you will still get all the benefit from it without any side-effects. try it. Some people say that everyone is different and some people expirience aromatization more easily than others. true.I am one of them! still 1/4 of a tab every 5th day is enough for me and everyone else that I know. And I use 5 grams of testo! you re on only 500mg!.If 1/4 every 5th day isn t enough, try 1/4 every 4th day. !1/2 a tablet every day is actually an incredibely huge dose for a man. no wonder your sick.This 1/4 every 5th day dosage was prescribed to me by an endocrinologist who knows what he is talking about. my gess is that your sick becouse your body is trying to tell you something isn t right…

Hi Aron. Thanks for your input, you make an interesting point. My choice of dosage has been based entirely on what the T-Mag guys have written. BILL, COULD YOU CHIME IN HERE PLEASE? I know you will say that ideally I should get my estradiol levels measured and I know you’re right, but you just try telling that to an overworked General Practitioner in the U.K. National Health Service!! I am a mid-forties male with a (I think) fairly slight pre-disposition to fat around the outside and the lower areas of the pecs. I weigh around 220lbs at a low but by no means ripped b.f.level. This is only my second course ever - previously I was “natural” but eventually I decided that it was time to go for the “hormone replacement” approach (although I’ve gone past that now). I am however completely paranoid about gyno, perhaps unreasonably so. Do you know of any other anecdotal evidence regarding Arimidex dosage?

Oh and BTW, would the introduction of 50mg clomid/day at this stage of the cycle (end of 3rd week) be helpful? Or is it just a case of cutting back on the Arimidex? I was intending to use clomid at this stage anyway for LH stimulating reasons, having finally managed to procure some of this stuff. What do you think?

Look. you don t need clomid if you re on arimidex. If you are in your forties, start by cutting the dosage down to 1/4 every 4th day for example.If for some strange reason your nipples still get sore, then try 1/4 every 3rd day.I can definitely feel some paranoia in your writing. You won t get gyno bilieve me. What you have been reading are just theories. Practical expirience is another thing. You want evidence? The best evidence is something that you find out for yourself. Dan duchaine did however point out that a dose of arimidex in the range of 1 tab/day would totally mess up the endocrinological system of a male.He also pointed out that a much smaller dose was enough for men.(I still remember his article on anti-aromatizing drugs). You are probably doing more harm to yourself than good.

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Aron, you’re damned right about the paranoia - I’ve already admitted to this. I make no apologies for it. I’d rather be paranoid than have gyno. To take up the points that you make 1. Bill Roberts makes reference to using Clomid in conjunction with Arimidex, not for estrogen protection (of course, because that base is already covered) but to get the positive benefits of estrogen without the negative (I’ve probably phrased that unscientifically but you get what I mean). 2. I’m pretty convinced by your argument that I’m overdosing on Arimidex and I’m already cutting down to see what happens. 3. Notwithstanding that you have said on this and other occasions that you do well on an incredibly small amount of Arimidex with bucketloads of T (and I do believe you), everyone is different and I for one would be interested in building up a larger database of opinions and practical experience. That’s why I spawned a new thread from this one to try and achieve just that. I hope that I’m not trying everyone’s patience with this - I said at the outset that apart from a couple of posts (including one by you aron) there’s very little practical experience of Arimidex posted on this board. It is after all pretty new. There is however shedloads of theory, as you say. So I hoped that everyone would benefit from opening this up. Apologies to anyone who feels differently.

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Hi again.I felt like I had to say something about your possible intention of using clomid with arimidex. The most important thing is always to keep things as simple as possible. Why? becouse the people behind those theories are not going to offer you medical assistance to follow your body true reaction to different combinations of drugs. When you combine things as little as possible, only then can you know for sure how a drug really works…What it does to you. If you take everything at once, how are you going to know what s doing what? There is nobody else but you to be the judge of that.