1st Cycle, Here's the Plan


After speaking with a couple of moderately experienced fellas and doing some reading for awhile now, I have decided to try a simple first cycle. My goal is to be pretty simple so I can learn how I respond to this.

I am 33 270lbs 6ft been training/powerlifting for 5 years now, but have about 8 years experience with weightlifting.

My plan is this:

Weeks 1-10- Test e 500mg/week
Weeks 1-10 - arimidex .25mg eod
Weeks 11-12- off everything
Week 13- PCT- start Nolvadex 100mg for 1 day
Nolva 60mg/day for 10 days
Nolva 40mg/day for 10 days

I also have hcg but will likely hold off on it for a first cycle to see how my body responds. I have read that hcg should be taken ON cycle and not as pct, correct?

What do you think? Any suggestions or critiques?


Probably too much arimidex and definitely too much nolva. And that’s not a long enough PCT. Four weeks is the standard for a reason. You can’t accelerate it by taking more for three weeks. It’s a nonlinear progression as far as dose is concerned. Time is actually more of a factor than dose.

At what weeks will you be getting blood work done?

Would it be more beneficial to take the arimidex every 3 days initially?

I did question myself about the PCT protocol, and I see that you are correct, it is too short. I think I would run the risk of side effects with dosages like that, is that right? Would a cycle like this plan be better with just Nolvadex 20mg/day for 4 weeks?

What weeks do you suggest blood work?

Take Adex when you need and if you need it. I only took it during my first cycle if my nipples felt sensitive and it was usually .5 a few times during the cycle. Let the stuff do its job as you go. It works fast so only use it when you need it.

Thanks for the replies.

Is there a negative in taking arimidex like I was planning? Is it generally considered a waste of money to take regularly, or is there a greater chance for side effects?

You could crash your e2, which would cause you a number of unpleasant side effects as well as limit your gains pretty substantially. And it’s not great on your cholesterol.