Experience with Partial Reps?

Have you used partial reps regularly in your training? Good results or bad? Did it help explosiveness, 1 rm, or size? For you scientific types, does stimulate the cns or prime it in anyway?

I’ve never done it before. I was afraid I’d do something wrong or not do enough work. But I’ve been reading up on them and want to see what the general opinion is before I try.

I specifically want to know how effective partial squats, military presses, deads, and benches are, and what exactly they improve. Also, how would I incorporate them: superset them with full reps? throw some partials in at the end of the workout? warm up with them? make them my main sets? use them on deloading weeks?

Thanks fellas

There are plenty of articles by CT and others that go into the ins-and=outs of partial training.

As for the effectiveness for strength and such: well they can be very effective but only if you use them correctly. Just about everyone in the gym does partials on bench and squats. Not on purpose, but in order to say they can do more weight than they can actually do.

If your weakest portion of a squat is at the bottom and all you do is partials at the top, its not going to helfp your squat at all. This is what most people in the gym do.

But if you use partials to either work on your weak points, or strategically overload your strong points, then they can be very effective.

I actually dont like partials as much for working on weak points as paused reps or 1.5’s. The nature of how you do partials (usually in a rack) and where my weak points are (usually the bottom of the lift) doesn’t make them a very good option.