Hey guys,
Im not a steroid user or anything, but I am going to start using androgen gel for medical purposes.
Long story short: planning on having the gynecomastia surgery, went to the endocrinolgoist as a precautionary measure, got a blood test, my testosterone is way to fucking low. I have a condition called relative primary hypogonadism, which is essentially, low testosterone (and a direct link to my gynecomastia).
So, basically I have been busting my ass without the best results because of this low testosterone. When i heard the news, yes, i was pretty much crushed, and devastated, all these years wondering why i am not as RIPPED as i SHOULD be. Anyway, im over it now.
I am starting it today, and am still planning on getting the surgery in december during my Xmas break.
My question is, how many of you have experimented with this ? And what kind of results did you get ? and is it worth it? Whether you used it for medical or pharmacologial purposes doenst matter. Thank you guys.