The gym that I attend is called Zest Health Club in Adelaide, Australia. Next to the gym is a training centre for fitness professionals(so called)called A.I.F. So all the students and personal trainer use the gym.
What i keep seeing in the gym is bloody stupidity. Whilst doing my set of Deadlifts, I saw a personal trainer(girl) taking a young guy through a personalised gym programme. The first thing she said was, ‘We are going to start with Smith machine squats’, as they did a couple of reps, she stated that the knee’s should never go over the toes! Shit, i was so mad i felt like punching her in the head…So i suppose walking up and down the stairs shouldnt happen.
But i controlled myself and busted out some heavy deads.
Their next exercise was barbell bench press, she set up her client on the flat bench and told the client to lower the bar to where their is a 90 bend in the elbow joint…God, no wonder people cant improve… She said their was no prove that lowering the bar to the chest was any different?
Db shoulder press was next, same thing! Lower the dumbbells to 90 degree bend in the elbow joint. Everything seems like its gettting cut in half.
So im guessing all pressing movements are only to 90 degree bend in the joint?
All squats, lunges are the same with no toes going over the toes and knee and ankle joint must be lined vertically.
But i never hear them say curls should stop at the 90 degree bend, tricep extensions either. Where are they getting this shit info from, its teached by the lectures, and i bet its from these uneduacted physio’s and chiro’s that have never done weights.
P.S. Those people are smart but their are some idiots.
Well i finally think Personal trainers are getting worse or have hit the bottom of the scrap heap.
What are your guys thoughts on these techiques? I believe full range of motion is essential on 95 percent of the time.
Squats: Ass to grass
Bench press to chest
Though i do realise techiques that involve bands and chains, pins etc in the power rack are great.
But a learner doing those techniques suck ass.