Exercise Physiology and Anatomy Book

Hey guys,

If anyone can recommand me a good basic book who are easy to read, and understand to begin with.

I have loan Kinetic Anatomy (maybe ok, I haven’t tried to read constant) and Physiology Integrating Theory and Application by William Kraemer are to difficult for my stage.

A little background I have read many articles, train 3-4 year and I have been interesting in
self education to read a lot of book, before take a personal trainer course.

I am powerlifter (short time) and have been training with my personal trainer here in Norway for a short time to train with him and learn faster from a good coach.

I have spend time to read articles mostly about injury prevention/physiotherapy stuff, a lot of dvd from top coaches, but that isn’t enough to success as a coach. A good coach have to know
physiology, anatomy, injury/prevention, strength training, nutrition e.t.c

I have been reading Dr. Vladimir Janda Assessment and Treatment of Muscle Imbalance who are my first subject related exactly. I have read easy books like e/-book, but not the depth in
biomechanisc, anatomy, strengthtraining, physiology, nutrition, and I can’t the basic stuff from them rather, and I have to begin with the basic foundation.

Hope someone can give me some advice I will appreciate that :slight_smile: please help me out

I’ve been studying ‘Clinical Kinesiology and Anatomy’ 5th Edition by Lynn S. Lippert, MS, PT for an upcoming Kinesio taping course. It’s very thorough, but at the same time easy to pick up.

I don’t have a background in this field, nor did I complete high school, but I’ve been able to learn a great deal.

FWIW, I downloaded it from thepiratebay and I read it on my iphone, so I can study wherever I am. I’m not sure where you’d buy it

Thank you :slight_smile: I will check that out later. I appreciate that.

I have heard Physiology of Sport and Exercise, Fourth Edition by Dr. Jack Wilmore are easy to read?
What are your opinion on that? if you have read it :slight_smile: thanks again :smiley:

How about this one?

Strength Training Anatomy by Frederic Delavier

Might be too easy & straight forward but good reference material nonetheless.

Yeah, I have to read it :slight_smile: thank you

[quote]Van Nguyen wrote:
Thank you :slight_smile: I will check that out later. I appreciate that.

I have heard Physiology of Sport and Exercise, Fourth Edition by Dr. Jack Wilmore are easy to read?
What are your opinion on that? if you have read it :slight_smile: thanks again :D[/quote]

Used it for a class. It was a pretty good book overall