[quote]buckeye75 wrote:
Nate, could you describe how you wave the volume throughout the four weeks, using high, medium, and very high? [/quote]
When applying the varied volume, it’s specifically for all the assistance and supplemental work, not the ME or DE exercises (do those as written).
For all other supplemental and assistance work, you can vary the volume week-to-week by adjusting the number of sets you perform, how many sets at a certain weight, or doing pyramids.
For example, on a medium week, you may do 3-4 sets of supplemental work. On a high week, you may do 4-5 sets, and on a very high week, you may do 5-6 sets or more. Then, on a low week, you would only do 2-3 sets or even cut some stuff out.
That particular wave was something Eric Cressey recommended when using a Westside split, as he uses it himself and with his athletes.
You can also adjust volume by doing a certain number of sets (3-4), but either by using the same weight for each of those sets or increasing weight each set until you hit the heaviest weight for the rep range recommended.
You really have to find what works best for you and your body. What is high volume for me may be medium for someone else. So you really have to give it a few weeks to see how you feel.
Also, you’ll see that I have back-off weeks listed as well. So for someone that doesn’t want to cycle the volume as listed above, they could stick with 2-4 sets of all assistance and supplemental exercises and just use a back-off week every fourth week. You could use any of those methods depending on how you feel.