Ever Had a Colonic?

Have you ever had one? do you want to get one? why?

I had one, she told me to keep pushin’, I did, busted the hose loose and shit all over the table

i advise against it


Hahahaha. Damn that job must suck.

I think its pretty standard to get when you reach 40 plus

disregard what I just said I was confused

[quote]ffdrebin wrote:
Have you ever had one?



So I can do what NeelyDan did.

I just came across this link:

I was searching for some allergy related stuff and someone in a forum linked it.

Warning…pretty gross.

I would definitely be interested in getting that sh*t out.

[quote]cshapland wrote:
I think its pretty standard to get when you reach 40 plus[/quote]

really? who told you that

[quote]cshapland wrote:
I think its pretty standard to get when you reach 40 plus[/quote]

Um. No.

That’s a one way street buddy.

[quote]Thomas Gabriel wrote:
I just came across this link:

I was searching for some allergy related stuff and someone in a forum linked it.

Warning…pretty gross.

I would definitely be interested in getting that sh*t out. [/quote]

That is downright horrific. That said, I bet I could send them some pics of old chicken skin and sausage casings that would move “Susan from Hawaii” to the bottom of the list.

[quote]Thomas Gabriel wrote:
I just came across this link:

I was searching for some allergy related stuff and someone in a forum linked it.

Warning…pretty gross.

I would definitely be interested in getting that sh*t out. [/quote]

Jesus. I could have lived without seeing that shit. And yet, I kept scrolling down…like a car accident, I couldn’t look away.

People diss this stuff out of hand, but I’ve chatted with a colonic girl. They find all sorts of weird shit in there. Those pics aren’t a hoax. Some people even have worms.

I eat 30 grams of fiber and have a movement each day. So I doubt there’s anything stored up. That said, I’ve thought about trying one just to see what’s up with it.

[quote]Thomas Gabriel wrote:
I just came across this link:

I was searching for some allergy related stuff and someone in a forum linked it.

Warning…pretty gross.

I would definitely be interested in getting that sh*t out. [/quote]

Can someone with any medical background shed some light on wtf these worm-like shapes are?

[quote]ab_power wrote:
Thomas Gabriel wrote:
I just came across this link:

I was searching for some allergy related stuff and someone in a forum linked it.

Warning…pretty gross.

I would definitely be interested in getting that sh*t out.

Can someone with any medical background shed some light on wtf these worm-like shapes are?[/quote]

It is usually whatever they injest for the “cleanse” clumping together. It is quite a good scam.

I have had 4 total. Worth every bit of the money and more. People get grossed out by what comes out…but umm think of the alternative…it staying inside of you! Digestion is a rapidly growing health concern. Most people don’t poop nearly enough. My allergies cleared up after I had the colonics. I’m not saying you should or shouldn’t have them done, just saying that they worked well for me and many people I know.

[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:

It is usually whatever they injest for the “cleanse” clumping together. It is quite a good scam. [/quote]

That’s exactly what it is. The stuff people see coming out their ass after they use the “cleanse” isn’t a mass of old impacted petrified shit, it’s a mass of psyllium, and psyllium husks with some do-do attached onto it, and other undigested crap mixed in. If they keep taking the psyllium mix, they’ll keep seeing more of the same. They’ll think that they were full of yards and yards of prehistoric Jurassic wastes. They’ll always think they need to do another cleanse. Every time they do, it looks like more ancient wastes come out.

And that’s the fact, Jack.

[quote]VanderLaan wrote:

That is downright horrific. That said, I bet I could send them some pics of old chicken skin and sausage casings that would move “Susan from Hawaii” to the bottom of the list. [/quote]

Hilarious. I actually laughed out loud.

My morning coffee is about the only colonic I need. I usually shit twice before noon.

There was a “Science of Obesity” show on the Discovery channel that said that when you get obese then your digestive system slows down and morbidly obese people can actually have 50 pounds (yes 23 Kg) of undigested material in their digestive tract. I’ll post a link if I find one.

You could set a clock by my morning shits. About 9:20am every day. I don’t know if you can get much more “regular” than that.