
Much like everyone else, I’ve been impatiently awaiting the arrival of Euphoria (along with all the other new products). I’ve read everything I can on Euphoria (not much), and I have a few questions:
Having used ecstacy and G before, as well as trying natural products to achieve similar results, I can’t imagine any other product that would give you feelings such as:
“With Euphoria, people feel a little tipsy, kind of giddy, and very mellow, like nothing in the world could bother them. Additionally, there’s a tendency to be gabby…”
other than PURE MDMA (the active ingredient in ecstacy). Pure MDMA is a clean high with no after affects. When you mix MDMA in a dirty kitchen lab, or the back of a tractor trailer, with who knows what, that’s where it becomes the evil ecstacy.
No amounts of Kava Kava, St. John’s Wort, or anything will give you these results.

My other question is: since this website is dedicated to practices that “make one look better naked”, what exactly is the connection here with Euphoria and the physical appearance.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against Euphoria by any means (if you’re still testing and need giuneau pigs, please consider me), I’m just curious, and perhaps a bit cynical.

I tried only an early version of Euphoria.
It was not quite right yet and so any comments
would be meaningless – there have been
substantial changes. Besides that, neither
G nor alcohol are “feel good” to me, so I’m
probably not someone who would benefit from
any sort of mood relaxer.

However, I can tell you that I had a phone
conversation with a well-known T-magger who
as it happened had just taken I think four
Euphoria capsules, of a recent formulation.

Let me tell you, just hearing him talk, there’s no doubt the stuff works to make you
mellow. (And talkative.)

He was somewhere inbetween “really mellow”
and “one toke too many.” And he was obviously feeling quite good.

It was impressive.

However, I would not compare its effects
to Ecstacy.

hey man, pretty good post, but i object to a few of your comments…mdma a clean high, i know of several who have used it who do have memory problems, i also strongly suspect that even the pure mdma will cause damage to the brain which may affect the brain’s ability to release serotonin, i doubt that mdma is a clean high, although if you want to prove me wrong go for it…i do believe on the other hand that ghb can be used safely on a regular basis although the potential for abuse does exist, which is why the pharmaceutial industry will be selling this “dangerous” drug…as for biotest producing euphoria, if you can make something that is not harmful, and can reduce stress and give a nice buzz, it may be a great alternative to prescription meds and g which is now unfortunatelty illegal, yeah i am skeptical too, i use a product call rejoov (which will soon be unavailable)similar to ghb, but i’ll give it a shot.

I guess these relaxation drugs can help your bodybuilding goals by helping you to lower your stress levels, which can affect your recovery. Also, if it can improve your sleep, that would help a great deal.

Bionic Man, you can’t attribute all the negative effects of ecstasy to unreacted chemicals or dirty manufacturing, recently the CMAJ had a article on a 26 year old ecstasy user who had died and subsequently had an autopsy and they found he had 80% less serotonin in his brain and since it’s known that MDMA effects the serotinergic system there’s reason to believe it was the MDMA that caused his condition.If your going to use MDMA you should use it sparingly and don’t count on SSRI’s blocking the negative effects.

Ecstasy exerts its damage via free radical
activity. Use of alpha lipoic acid before
taking E may avoid this damage. It does in
rats anyway and is becoming popular among
people who use it. I don’t know the dose of ALA but
I’m sure it can be found on the web or somewhere.

5-HTP can also help restore serotonin levels
after the Ecstasy has run its course, reducing
the “crash” effect the next day.

This is one drug I’m not expert on – I’m
just saying what I’ve heard from people who do know.

The “high” from MDMA is clean…the long-term after effects, honestly, no one knows. I could have gotten all technical and cited medical journals, etc, but I figured I’d spare everyone and try to relate some real-life experience instead.

i also wouldnt say pure mdma is free from any downsides theres an orginization called dancesafe that you can look up and they have a pretty good tutorial of MDMA and what it does in your body, so while im not saying that mdma is super dangerous i do know that if you take it week after week one can become kinda “e-tarded” and youll have the short term memory of a nursing home patient

Bill would talking 5htp with ecstacy increase the drugs release of serotonin since 5htp is a precursor to serotonin?

Yeart, I don’t know – as mentioned I’m not an expert on Ecstasy though I do understand its molecular mechanism of action. Your idea might
work, but it isn’t what people are using the 5-HTP for. Instead, it’s used afterwards for the sake of replenishing serotonin which is
otherwise badly depleted later.

At what time they take the 5-HTP dose, whether
both before and after, or only after, I cannot

It isn’t clear that using 5-HTP would necessarily make E any more potent, since
the brain even without the 5-HTP clearly
is able to produce all the serotonin needed
for a roll: it isn’t the limiting factor.

There are probably various places on the net
where you can find guys more expert in this
drug. Search for newsgroups with “drugs” in
the name, and also try egroups dot com. There
is an Ecstasy newsgroup there (unfortunately
most of the posts are just silliness and
so I haven’t read it for a LONG time.)

Hey, if you do some Net research and find
what is being said about ALA and 5-HTP,
dosages, timing, etc. it would be interesting if you posted what
you found.

Bill, sorry for so many questions but what about taking ecstacy with grapefruit juice? Do u think it would extend the half life? Also since tyrosine seems to increase the effects of stimulants life ephedrine, could it also potentiate the effects of ecstacy? Thanks for the input.

From my (real-life) experience, I’ve found that 2 5-htp and 1 multivitamin before and after (not sure of the doses) blocks the E-hangover effect. After partying for up to 12 hours, have a mrp immediately when I get home, and sleep a little, I’m back up at 6:00 Monday morning to get to work.
I’m not convinced, however, that the 5-htp will give you a better “roll”.

OK…Euphoria is nothing like GHB/GBL nor
are it’s effects.

The effect will vary from person to person
but if you’re a G-head you’re not going to
like Euphoria.

I am the person Bill is talking about below
BTW (The T-Magger)…the effect (on me anyhow)
is that it induces relaxation, produces
a noticeable, if mild, mood elevation and
generally puts you in a pleasant mood.
It also seems to make people VERY gabby.
We had a woman try 4 caps and she turned
into a chatterbox. She felt it at 4 caps
and liked the way it made her feel.

OTOH, a G-addict tried Euphoria and it took him a whopping 20 caps before he felt "euphoric". If you're a drug addict (coke, G, MDMA, Nubain, heroin) do not waste your time with Euphoria.

If you are not a rec. drug addict, you will
most likely find Euphoria to be useful in
relaxing and mellowing you out, making you
more socially animated, making the world seem
a little brighter.

It also increased orgasmic pleasure in my
wife (but not me)…I gave my wife 4 caps
and when we “bumped uglies” she has multiple
orgasms for the first time in her life.
Though the same dose did not seem to effect
me sexually. So there may be a pro-sexual
side effect in some people (not a bad thing,
I must say).

I take Euphoria 2-3X per week, usually when I had a ball suck day at the office and don't want to vent it out on the wifer.

You could get the same effect from 0.5mg of Xanax and a small amount of codeine (15-20mg) but them there goodies are illegal...and addicting.


You want to know why someone would want to take EUPHORIA? :

I live a very stressfull life between, training my clients, myself, and strength and conditioning at a local high school. I sometimes train myself into the ground between THERMOGENICS and Powerdrive because I’m always assured a perfect workout. Sometimes I just cant relax and I practically lay in bed amped up. I really don’t like Mary Jane , but sometimes it does the job. Also on the weekends I’m human I want to go out and have fun, but I don’t like drinking(sugar+calories=BAD) , and Marijuana is defenitely not social. GHB is very hard to get now plus you don’t know how your getting it from.
When EUPHORIA comes out there will be nothing but a big THANK YOU from me to t-mag.

Tapper hit the nail on the head… Every once in a while people want to get messed up. Alcohol would do the trick but it would also cause your T levels to drop and make u gain fat. Euphoria would also be a nice alternative for the above reason and it would also be a nice thing for people who don’t want to mess around with the law or potential negative side effects from drugs.