Eugene Oregon Lifters Unite

Hello everyone,
My name is Jon, Im a student at the Univeristy of Oregon and currently lift at the studnet rec center. The facility is great, however there is no chaulk allowed…enough said (Yes, I sneak it in). Im aware of other gyms around town such as 24hr fitness, golds, and some other local half ass gyms. With summer approaching I’ll have alot more free time to dedicate to training, if anyone from Eugene Oregon knows of a gym where chaulk is allowed, chains are normal and so forth I would love to know.

I have no close friends who are serious about training. I weigh 158lbs and my friends think im “big”, my numbers are not great but there improving, bench 235, squat 315, deadlift 365 (all raw max). More importantly training is apart of my life im a dedicated lifter who just wants a real gym. Please help!!! I have two more years here before moving is an option. I would start my own gym if I was not a broke and extremely busy college student.
Thanks for the help!

i’m not far from you, i’m up in Salem and train at the 24 hours…even though it’s a 24 hours they are actually pretty cool…they don’t mind chalk, you can bring your own chains/bands and recently got a new set of bumper plates and a platform…

…you should talk to Shanny though, she’s from Eugene and trains at a place called Ironworks not far from there i think where they do alot of olympic lifting and seemed pretty serious about lifting in general, there was a video posted here from there…it seems pretty cool…i’ll send her a message so she can check out this thread…

that’s the link to the video…

[quote]tora no’ shi wrote:
…you should talk to Shanny though, she’s from Eugene and trains at a place called Ironworks not far from there i think where they do alot of olympic lifting and seemed pretty serious about lifting in general, there was a video posted here from there…it seems pretty cool…i’ll send her a message so she can check out this thread…[/quote]

Hey Jon. Ironworks is down in Creswell. I live in S Eugene, and it’s only about 12-15 mins from my place, so if you are in the campus area, it shouldn’t be a bad drive at all. It’s a great little gym with an oly room. They host meets there from time to time as well. Chalk allowed (and provided). Come in and buy a guest pass or just pay for a month and see if you like it, you don’t need to sign a contract. Let me know if there’s anythingelse I can tell you.

Thanks so much for the info, I do live in the campus area and will definetly check out Ironworks. 15mins is not too shabby at all. My last final is wednesday, June 14th I think, so i’ll look this place up and see what I can arrange.