[quote]Chris Colucci wrote:
[quote]EyeDentist wrote:
[quote]Powerpuff wrote:
If you post a detailed answer to someone’s question, do you just never check the thread again to see if they responded? [/quote]
I’m with you here, Power. I always check back to see what they thought of my contribution, and I have to say I notice it when no such thoughts are provided.[/quote]
This is pretty much my mindset too.
A “thanks” is nice to hear for sure and always stands out because it’s pretty rare, but I’m much more impressed and appreciative, myself, when a poster actually follows through with any advice given and makes a follow-up post with a progress report. There were a few good updates recently - Leonard, Flight, GorillaK, and a couple other guys that checked in with either a progress report, more questions, or both.
Generally agreed.
I don’t think a “Thanks” post, in and of itself, is necessary. I think, really, it can be assumed. Imagine if the OP responded to every response with “thanks”. It’d be too much clutter. A progress report, detailing what actually helped (or didn’t), is actually useful for people with a similar question/problem, and even others who provided help.
[quote]Chris Colucci wrote:
What seriously, seriously, like seriously bothers me is people who make a thread with a question, get a few legit useful replies, and then make another thread ((usually in a different forum) with the same question a week or so later trying to get more replies from different people. That’s the direct opposite of showing appreciation or saying “thanks”. It’s basically saying “Yep, I saw your detailed answer to my question, but fuck you I’m going to ignore it because I want more attention.”[/quote]
Yeah, this is pretty crap, and just adds to the noise. You end up having two separate discussions where everyones repeating themselves because they don’t see the responses in the other thread.