Hi, i’m wondering if you can help me out? I found out recently about residual hormones in recycled tap water, from women on the contraceptive pill. I was recommended to speak to you about this as you had insight, and you’re inquisitive about this kind of thing.
As I routinely drink 4 litres or so of water daily, is there anything you suggest I could do about this? My physiology isn’t so strong BTW, basic at best. Thanks
The real reason not to drink tap water is chlorine content. While I do not doubt there is some contamination from birth control pills the real estrogen related threat is chlorine. Chlorine acts as an estrogen agonist in the body and should therefore be avoided at all costs. You can buy a cheap water filter for around $40 that will help reduce chlorine levels.
[quote]OdinsMissingEye wrote:
The real reason not to drink tap water is chlorine content. While I do not doubt there is some contamination from birth control pills the real estrogen related threat is chlorine. Chlorine acts as an estrogen agonist in the body and should therefore be avoided at all costs. You can buy a cheap water filter for around $40 that will help reduce chlorine levels.[/quote]
Do you have a source for this info? I can’t find any info regarding Cl- as an estrogen agonist, and find it hard to believe a single ion can agonize an estrogen receptor.