Equipment Suggestions Needed

I am looking to purchase a wrist roller (the device which lets you slowly roll up a small weight stack to work your forearms) and the devices which allow you to do a more optimal pushup.

Most of what I see in the stores is plastic junk which won’t last a month.

Does anyone have a suggestion where I can purchase quality equipment? - for the wrist roller

I have no idea about the push-up device.

If you have access to a drill and Home Depot I see no reason why you would buy a wrist roller. Just get a nice thick dowel rod, saw it off so it’s like 16" long (they even have a little jig saw with a measuring tape at my Home Depot you can use). Drill a hole through the middle, put some nylon rope through and rock and roll. As long as the handle fits through an oly plate you can just tie a big ass knot at the bottom of the rope and slide the plates down.

if by push up device you mean the handles that hang so that your stabilizers have to work more elitefts has em

I made this one out of a part of a bowflex handle I got at a garage sale for a quarter and a few bucks worth of stuff from the corner hardware store. I’ve had 75 pounds on it with no problem. I use a standard 2.5 for the bottom and put olympic plates on top of that. I use it mostly for seated curls and reverse curls though, I’m not a big fan of the “rollup” type exercises.

[quote]Donut62 wrote:
If you have access to a drill and Home Depot I see no reason why you would buy a wrist roller. Just get a nice thick dowel rod, saw it off so it’s like 16" long (they even have a little jig saw with a measuring tape at my Home Depot you can use). Drill a hole through the middle, put some nylon rope through and rock and roll. As long as the handle fits through an oly plate you can just tie a big ass knot at the bottom of the rope and slide the plates down.[/quote]

I made one like this also, except I tied a clip to the end of the rope insead of knotting it. Insert the clip through the hole in the plate and attach it to the rope. You can make rollers for you and 4-5 friends for what you spend on a decent store bought one.

Thank you everyone! You gave me some great suggestions and I will be working on it this week.

Love this forum!