will get a yoke which can be used as an adjustable rack mid September
I have access to a bench press which I do not own
If everything goes as planned I can get another piece of equipment in September and am now contemplating what to get. I was thinking either an adjustable bench which would give me the opportunity to do incline log presses and any kind of bench press or a SSB. Kettlebells would also be a possibility as well as an adjustable plyo/ squat box.
I am leaning towards a SSB but if anyone wants to suggest anything else, go ahead!
Forgot bands, already have a good pair.
What is a shoulder saver pad? Is that one of those pads that people use for squatting?
Swiss bar sounds nice but would be pretty low on my priority list as I don’t have problems with regular benching and if I needed neutral handles I could use the log.
Bumper plates are great and I own a pair of 10 kg bumpers but they are really expensive.
Eventswise, I’d say get a circus dumbbell. It’s really a whole different animal from a normal dumbbell. I made a DIY one out of plastic buckets and pipe for $30, but a real one would be infinitely better.
Farmer’s handles would have been on my list as well but I currently use my trap bar for carries. Farmer’s handles will absolutely be added but not now.
A bigger log would be a good idea but as I already have one I would rather get something completely new. I also know that @T3hPwnisher has a small log which he made into a bigger log. I might try that.
I did not have stones on my list at all to be honest. Problem would be I could only get one mould for now and I don’t know how much I would benefit from having a stone when I am not competing in the near future.
I could use the sled outside and it will have a high spot on my priority list but since I can’t use it in the winter I will probably get one next spring.
I do have a very good axle.
A circus db would not be high on my priority lift because it will be a long time till I can compete again and even when I do it seems to be very rarely featured in competitions here.
A GHR would really be a luxus-addition for me.
@bighdx : A, was really confused why someone would suggest a pad for squatting
@strongmanjoe : Would freaking love tires but have no space unfortunately.
Also I forgot to mention something very important: My main goal needs to be to improve my static strength. That’s what really hinders me at the moment. Especially my lower body strength (deadlifting!). That is also why I was leaning towards a SSB.
Thanks for all your suggestions they are really helpful!