I was planning on running EQ for 15 weeks with winstrol tabs for 4 weeks at the begining of my cycle then the last 6 weeks throw in some anavar.Now do i HAVE to run Test with this stack? i’ve heard from some guys u dont need to run Test an others say u do to really get great results an not get shut down,but others have used it without test an not gotten shut down.I’m just lookin for 5-10 solid pounds with bodyfat reduction for power lifting/football.
First post and it is about steroids? Also are you in High School?
i dont know what your age is but hopefully youre not a teenager. that said, if all youre looking for is 5-10 lbs, you could use something as simple as a half gram of cyp per week for 8 weeks. you arent gonna need 3-4 androgens. personally i do have an affinity for boldenone as i think its almost like deca minus the sides.
No i’m 22, yeah first post is about roids.I’ve been training naturally for 10 or 11 years consistently and made solid gains.Just want to try out one cycle (YES JUST 1) ,thats why i’m only doing the less androgenic and mild oral stuff like anavar/winstrol tabs.Dont worry Standtall i’ve done my research just wanted to hear some opinions.
Current stats
Squat-485,at power lifting meet
Deadlift-500,also at meet
Vert-41 1/2
40-4.54, faster game speed
Just looking to maximize my performance with this cycle an get even stronger/leaner/faster,not for the beach sh–.
mild is a relative term. most orals are 17aa and tax the liver far more than injectables. keep an eye on those liver enzymes and maybe hedge your bet with some l-methionine and l-lysine along with the more typical liver tonics. who do you play football for?
[quote]Tank27 wrote:
No i’m 22, yeah first post is about roids.I’ve been training naturally for 10 or 11 years consistently and made solid gains.Just want to try out one cycle (YES JUST 1) ,thats why i’m only doing the less androgenic and mild oral stuff like anavar/winstrol tabs.Dont worry Standtall i’ve done my research just wanted to hear some opinions.
Current stats
Squat-485,at power lifting meet
Deadlift-500,also at meet
Vert-41 1/2
40-4.54, faster game speed
Just looking to maximize my performance with this cycle an get even stronger/leaner/faster,not for the beach sh–.[/quote]
just so ya know, Winni V is EXTREMELY androgenic…it’s a metabolite of DHT. it can be tough onyour joints, and might not be what you’re looking for as far as performance is concerned. seriously, a test cycle (i.e. 300-400mg of test prop/wk with Proviron at 50mg/day) would work well…
check out the steroid nebie thread-lots of info on there.
No i’m trying to stay away from any of the Test prop and the other test product.An yes i was aware winstrol tabs are tough on your liver thats why i was planning on running them for 4 weeks only and diffinently watch liver values,but thanks for the heads up.Just wonna know if i REALLY need to run Test with my equipoise/winstrol/anavar cycle, an i’m not looking for 15 pounds or whatever just more strength and alittle gain in mass.
Does no one have any input to add?
says what you want to hear
that good enough?