No Test Bulk Cycle, Part 2

Hi, I posted a while back (‘no test bulk cycle’)asking what people thought about a bulking cycle which kept drugs with androgenic activity to a minimum. I react badly to test (acne) so wanted to not use it. My goal was to put on 7-10 pounds (currently 6 foot 2, 210 pounds, 9%b.f, have run three cycles previously) and be ‘on’ for 6 weeks. I play rugby so am looking for retainable (and functional) lean muscle increase. I had decided to run primo and winny, but almost as soon as I’d decided to do it, disaster struck and i damaged a tendon in my knee.

Now I’m fully recovered, I’m keen to get underway with my cycle. However, I’ve had to change my plans slightly due to availability of substances. Primo is pretty much out (availability), so I’m thinking of using EQ. Deca is out on account of all the horror stories I’ve heard about it. I have seen a lot of anecdotal evidence to suggest winny is bad for your joints. Given I’m just recovered from a knee injury, I’m worried the winny will have a deleterious effect.

My questions are as follows:
(i) Should I ditch the winny? Was planning on running it 100mg EOD for the 6 weeks. I was thinking 4ad-ec would be a good replacement, but despite the fact there is no ban on prohormones where I live, sourcing it is a big problem! Given my requirements are low sides, is there anything else I should consider?

(ii) If I don’t replace the winny with anything, would the absence of a class II take a lot away from the effectiveness of the cycle? (given my aims are moderate, perhaps this wouldn’t be a problem, would be interested on people’s views).

(iii) Is EQ for 6 weeks feasible? I know it’s got a very long half life, and generally longer cycles are recommended, but what about with a frontload? I’ve seen a protocol (I think from prisoner 22) where it’s run as follows:
week 1: frontload of 1g
week 2: 600mg
week 3: 400mg (first half of week)
weeks 1-6 winny at 50mgED.

This way it’s out of your system by the seventh week, and recovery can begin. This timetable is attractive, but would be interested in people’s opinions on it. I could stretch to eight weeks, but don’t want to be ‘on’ longer than that.
(iv) I would run nolvadex at 20mg throughout the cycle. I was toying with the idea of including test at a very low dose (100mg weekly) to combat the effect of my own test being shut down. Would this be a good idea?

Sorry for the long post, would be very interested in people’s opinions.

Thanks a lot.

Jack, I understand your reasoning for not wanting to include test in the cycle…Despite what most people say in regards to test needing to be the foundation of every cycle, I disagree. Great gains can be made with a synergistic stack of eq and winstrol. Just be prepared for the possibility of having difficulty maintaining erections after week 3. I like the idea of running this cycle for 8 weeks and runniing the winstrol for the final six weeks…If you have recovered from the injury, and train smart you should have no worries regarding the joints as eq provides enough lubrication to offset any decrease in collagen synthesis that winstrol may inflict.
BTW, if you want to be safe about the erection issue, try running hcg after the 3rd week.


Thanks for the reply.

Re: HCG, I haven’t used it before, but can see why it would be useful in a cycle such as this. However, there seem to be mixed messages about proper dosage, and the risk of permanent down-regulation is a little worrying! Would 500iu for three days in the week (total of 1500iu weekly) for the 3rd to the 6th weeks be overkill? Or would a weekend protocol of 500iu on Saturday and Sunday be better given that the cycle I’m planning isn’t of great length, and the doses aren’t particularly high.

I hear what you’re saying about eight weeks, but I’d rather only be on for 6. Have I sufficiently mitigated the problems associated with using a long acting ester in a (relatively) short cycle by heavy loading in the first three weeks, or do you think this will compromise gains greatly?

Once again, am very interested in people’s views.

Can anyone help me out here?

Thanks again.

Thanks for your reply on the HCG point - will hit it 500iu three days a week for three weeks (weeks 3-6). Agreed on the gonad point too…

I did look at a nandrolone/winstrol stack, but got scared off by all the talk of deca dick, fatigue/depression and suppression. However, on the other hand, a lot of guys have reported acne caused by eq, and that’s the very thing i’m trying to avoid.

I saw you posted on NPP a while ago (I think it was on injection frequency) but have you used it in a cycle yourself?

If I ran it, i’d go 300mg/week NPP (three injections per week) with 50mg ED winstrol straight through the 6 weeks. HCG for weeks 3-6 and nolvadex at 20mg/day. Would the addition of the winstrol counter the feeling crappy and puffiness caused by the NPP?

If you’ve got any thoughts on this, that’d be really useful.


Don’t you think you could still gain muscle with just a hard training program and good nutrition and maybe Carbolin 19? Can you not make natural gains anymore?


I am in week 6 of 12 week a Test Prop, NPP, EQ cycle, while cutting. I am running it EOD like this:

TP 75 MG
EQ 100 MG
Nolva 20 MGs ED
Letro .625 MGs ED

I am also using the weekend 500 IU HCG protocol and started week 1 . This is my 1st time using HCG and I am really liking it, no shrinkage at all.

I have zero erection problems unlike the last go around with Cyp and Tren after 3 weeks, and I had 1 zit on my shoulder so far. This is my best expierence with AAS yet. I was considering switching to Tren but things are working so well I am sticking with NPP. Good luck to you.