This is the beginning of my journey to the 2011 World Police and Fire Games (more on this to come) as well as a way to track my progress using Wendler’s 5/3/1 strength program.
Alright, so more info on how I will be following the 5/3/1 program as well as background info on training goals…
I began the program following the triumvirate template as RX’d in the manual. I plan on following a TEMPLATE for at least six cycles or until I stall. I’ll switch assistance exercises every two cycles to keep things fresh.
My main goal is to bring up my strength in the big four lifts while not letting my conditioning/cardio slip at all. I have picked the 2011 World Police and Fire Games ( as motivation. Specifically the Bench, Push-Pull and “Toughest Competitor Alive” events. The first two events are self-explanatory while the third is a medley of eight different challenges (5K Cross Country Run, Shot Put, 100 Meter Dash, 100 Meter Swim, 20-Foot Rope Climb, Bench Press, Pull Ups and Obstacle Course). I feel as though training for theses events will get me in better shape as I’ll not only have to get stronger to compete but will need to learn new skills as well (shot put, rope climb, swim, etc).
Notes: Fighting a bad cold/PigFlu/AIDS. Felt it coming on yesterday and definitely today. Got my reps and called it a day so hopefully my body could get over this faster.
Feeling much better today than yesterday for sure. I was hoping to get in a track workout or a trail run but ended up just sleeping a lot. Hopefully tomorrow.
Notes: The station that I was detailed to today had a half-missing set of weight plates so I had to use DBs instead. Not ideal but I got the reps in. That cold is still lingering a little but I’m getting back there.
A little bit of cardio today. Briefly hit the StairMaster before leaving the Station for home and went for a trail run in the afternoon. Trail run felt GREAT today. Seemed to clear up my congestion too.
StairMaster Intervals - 5 min warm up / 10 minute intervals / 5 minute cool down
Trail run - ~30 min + about 20 min total of warm up/cool down
C2 Rower - 100m/:30 intervals X 10 + 5 min warm up/cool down
Notes: Tried longer rest periods between sets. GM weights felt good.
The local community college “Weight Training” class apparently just started. People EVERYWHERE in the gym today. Oh joy. Looks like I’ll be lifting before 0900 or in the afternoon now.
Notes: Dips and especially chins felt really good today. 5 minute warm up on Jacob’s Ladder pre-lifting. 5 minutes at a faster pace afterwards and then a 5 minute cool down.
Then for the first time, headed to a nearby 5-story parking deck to run stairs.
Up and down with:
Bodyweight (warm up)
+20lb vest
+45lb air pack
+30lb db R. hand
DB in L. hand
-30lb DB
-45lb air pack (2x)
Notes: The weight continues to feel heavy on squats. Not sure if it’s that I’m trying to squat with different technique (wider foot / lower bar placement) or that I am just weak (most likely). I’ll try and get video next squat day.
The 45lb air pack I was using for the stairs is an old Scott pack w/an hour bottle that I filled with sand. Older harness with pretty much webbing for straps that seems impossible to carry comfortably. I’m in the process of making a heavy, home-made weight vest.