Hey, this is my first log. I started it on a whim, and to prove it you can note the time of this post. If anyone reads it and gets something out of it, great. If no one does, not a surprise.
Current Numbers:
Press: 115
Sumo Deadlift: 215
Bench Press: 175
Squat: 195
Chinups (BW): 9
Short Term Goals: 135 Press, 225 Bench, 315 Sumo Deadlift, 315 Squat, 15 Chinups.
-No sports in high school, very sedentary, weak and small.
-First lifted weights Junior/Senior year of high school. Started at about 155 pounds.
-Began serious training Summer '08 with Rippetoe. End of summer, moved to Santa Cruz for college. Introduced to Dining hall – not the love affair that others have experienced
-Fractured my fibula Fall '08, unable to do lower body lifts for about two months.
-Lost lots of strength, ill-advised fat loss diet Winter '09. Was hovering around 170 pounds, not very strong. Spring '09 pledged for a frat. Drinking + No sleep = terrible workouts.
-Summer '09 - learned how to cook, revamped my nutrition, started to gain size. Picked up kettlebells, really started to focus on chinups. My back muscles and hamstrings were shortly thereafter recognized as existing. 175 pounds at ~9% bodyfat.
-Fall '09 Did Dan John’s 40-day program. Conventional Deadlift, Overhead Press, Chinup, Ab Wheel, Kettlebell Swing.
-Winter '09 - Started 5/3/1. Have done three cycles, using Overhead Press, Sumo Deadlift, Bench Press, Low-Bar Back Squat. Love it. I am using Bodyweight assistance and I do it in a circuit, with specialization exercises at the end of the workout.
-Plan to stay on 5/3/1 for at least a year, its simplicity is great. Going to the gym isn’t daunting anymore-- just get in, hit our numbers, do some assistance, get out.
-At posting, I weigh 180 pounds and I’d estimate about 13% bodyfat… will get it tested as soon as possible. My abs are well hidden beneath my abdominal fat, not that it concerns me… I just want to ‘get fucking hyooge’ as they say for a while. Prowler should keep me from being a huge lard ass.