Decided to throw up a training log, to brag if nothing else(haha).
My background:
34, will be 35 in August. I started lifting my junior year in high school, following a weight routine out of a muscle mag using a concrete-filled Sears set on my back porch. Got to where I could use all the weight on the bar for most exercises (100 pounds, I was such a BADASS), then moved to the local Y. Made some decent gains in strength in spite of myself, never gained any muscle to speak of. I never changed my diet cause, you know, I don’t want to get THAT big(ha again).
I’ve been in the Navy for coming on 17 years(this fall), and that has been one of the perks, most bases have a decent gym. Been lifting steadily for about 18 years now. Back in 97, I woke up and changed my diet, increasing calories and protein. Went from a skinnyfat 170ish to pretty lean 190 in about 4 months, and have slowly gained (and sometimes lost) weight over the years. Currently 205ish, at 6’. I was Bodpod’d afew weeks ago, and came in at 16%BF(AHHH!!!), so I stepped it up again. Think I’ve dropped a few % while gaining weight, but can’t really tell. Will go back to be retested in a couple more weeks.
Sports background: I wrestled and played soccer in HS, neither of which was I good at. I lettered in soccer my freshman year because we didn’t have a JV team, and I lettered in wrestling my senior year, mainly because I was a senior (I wrestled one match and lost). Started MMA in 99, and fought and trained off and on over the years until 07, when I stopped due to work, with a final record of 1-5 (not great at that either, but I enjoyed it). never was especially athletic, but I can beat the snot out of myself to get in shape, or at least used to. I went SWCC in 03, and was easily the worst swimmer in my class (probably the worst one at my current team, including support personnel). Once again, perk of the job, great gyms.
Met my wife literally right after I stopped gaining weight in July of 97, and we have 2 kids and have been married almost 12 years. My wife is super supportive of pretty much everything I do(a requirement in NSW), and my kids are pretty awesome (when they aren’t being little shits, haha).
My current program looks like this: Horizontal Push/Pull, Run/Cardio, Legs, Run/Cardio, Vertical Push/Pull, Run/Cardio, Legs, etc. on a rotation. Lately I have been able to completely skip command PT, so Saturdays are becoming Arms day. Will see how long that lasts.
Also, peri workout nutrition is like this:
about one hour before training
9g L-Citrulline
6g OKG
25g carbs(Twinlab Ultra Fuel)
about 30 min prior to training
1 scoop EAS Whey (23g)
1 scoop Utra Fuel (25g)
1 packet electrolytes
Immediately post
1 scoop Vitargo (35g carb)
2 scoop Monster Milk (55g pro)
5g creatine
Would love to use Biotest stuff (or at least try it out), but I just can’t afford to pay that much regularly. Also currently taking 8000iu D3 daily, 200mg ALA 4x daily, and 5 caps Arthrolyze (joint compound, just started).