Ended With GSLP But Not Sure What To Do

6’2’’ 158. i already did 3 months of greyskull with some deloads and im ready to move to another program but i do not know what to do. i do not like 5/3/1 because it ask for 50 reps on accessories when i really want to keep doing chin ups for 5 reps and curls and other stuff for 8. i also dont like the 1 rep thing. i heard moving from a beginner lp to another is a bad choice (example from grey to gzclp)?
stats are
175 bench
110 ohp
180 squat
180 deads
i deloaded on squat and deads a lot

i dont know where to go from here. to 5/3/1 beginner or gzclp or something else?

Why not just do 10 reps of 5 to get the 50 reps?

Whatever you do next, you need to eat.

thats another good choice. i was wondering, should 5/3/1 beginner be the right choice? or gzclp ? or any other. i just dont know why jump from a beginner to another beginner what do you recommend? thats why im posting because im lost

I would do 5/3/1 were I in your situation. And figure out why your squat dead and bench are so close together.

thanks do you think i can progress on squat and deads faster in 5/3/1?

Progress is up to you. If you keep resetting the weight like you have been doing, then no.

true i just mean that it seems 5/3/1 beginner takes a lot more time to progress right? sorry for the noob question

No. Again, progression is up to you. The top workset is a PR set. It is up to you how hard you push.

sounds great thanks mate

sorry for the noob question. i also wanted to say that im ending up more into building muscle (hypertrophy) with strength building. so im probably ending up doing phul or something like nsuns. this still follows right?

I have never run those routines. I don’t know.

I can’t recommend 531 enough. The Forever Book literally has programs for every possible goal and every schedule, level of experience, etc. I’ve been running different variations of it for 2-3 years and wish I’d jumped on sooner.

when people say 5/3/1 im confused because im talking of the beginner one not the bbb one is that the one you talk about?

Google “help a friend get stonger jim wendler” read it till it makes sense. Here is a quality 531 template once you are past “step one” from Jim’s blog.

Keep in mind that “50-100 reps…” Means total reps, not reps in one set. So for example you might do:
“5/3/1 progression from template”
Then for assistance…
5x15 pushups (75 push reps)
5x5 pullups + 3x10 cable rows (55 pull reps)
5x15 back extensions + 2x12 leg raises (99 core reps)

Diet & conditining are at the very least just as important as lifting & likely more important.

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This is good info for newer lfters-

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