Hi guys…this is a little bit of a rant /question for all fellow members , so bear with me please. I have been training for four-five years now. I started when was about 15.I started because of football and I became hooked. I was on cookie cutter BFS program …then moved to the Husker Power program. I started at 225 pounds at roughly 30 % bodyfat and 5’7. I eventually worked to 5’9 175 at 9%, being as low as 164 at 7 %(all wth ashitlad of loose skin). My progress stalled on these programs eventually. So i tried HIT. Did well for a bit…but stayed on it too long. So i started to read, Poloquin, King, Kubik,Mcrobert,Tate,T-Mag,Serrano. I planned out routines,strict strict diet, recovery All in an effort to grow, impove and learn about myself and through all different varitions I haven’t learned much because I haven’t made a whole hell of a lot of progress,I mean what the fuck. I see friends around me do shit half assesd and just keep improving(and yes i understand genetics…but thats not everyone’s excuse). What i have learned is I can’t keep calories realativey low consistently because My workouts go to shit.ok thats basic.
If I add calories over maintinance I get fat.This is with a slight increase over like 200-300. I use massive eating combos too, the formula is way too high for me, thats fat gain wise(I figure thts because of all these leftover fat cells). I might need close to that for muscle but I can’t get that high because of huge fat gain.I stick to low GI ,low II carbs…actaully oatmal is it,except for Surge post workout. Training wise I learned I need to go back to maximal weights every 4-8 weeks so i don’t lose my triples-doubles-max numbers . I have been training for max strength lately trying to regain strength after too long on HIT high reps and such,hoping that I would still make gains since a high influx of kcals isn’t needed ,but thats been stalling also. I also learned that higher reps(10-12)are best used for fat loss periods for me. Now this is personal info that i understand about myself, cannot gain much progress yet though. I am wondering whats next? Have any of you guys reached a point like this in your training careers. I am sorry if this is one big bitch session,i just feel like shit right now looking at my training log. I want to use Mag 10 since i feel that might hlp my easy fat gain problems but is that a good idea. Sometimes I wonder if I’m really advanced naturally for myself or just spinning my wheels.Just like to hear your thoughts guys.Sorry this post is s long.I might regret this post later but oh well. Thanks, Mike