My form is not up to par on both squat and dead, and I would like to learn the accesory moves also. Does anyone own/have seen this video? Is it worth the $55?
Yes I own it.
Buy it.
i have it:) buy it:)
Some of the Westside stuff feels a little show off-very very cool-but not completely helpful. The Index is different. Most of the demonstrations are done either with just the bar or 135. This is THE Best, most in depth demonstration of how to squat and dl for powerlifting. I own it, HIGHLY reccomended.
Would you recommend it for hypertrophy seekers? Always interested in perfecting form.
Best of the West.
This goes on the same shelf as ‘Supertraining’, ‘Science of Sports Training’, and one or two other references which I expect to be using for the rest of my life ('cos I intend to go in the ground with rust on my palms).
Knowing how to handle the weights right can only be a help whether your goal is strength, size, endurance, or speed.
I borrowed it from a friend. It is a greats resource. I would recomend it.Worth its weight in gold. Bad example, it doesn’t weigh much.
It is just that though, an index. It demonstrates great form, and a wide variety of exercises, but it does not tell you how or when to use them.
I don’t see why they wouldn’t be good for hypertrophy gains.
[quote]Croooz wrote:
Would you recommend it for hypertrophy seekers? Always interested in perfecting form.[/quote]
I would recommend this for any athlete.
Is the DVD that much better than the Westside Squat Workout, Bench Press Secrets and Reactive Method videos? I have them, but there really isn’t much analysis of form (they are fairly old as well). Thanks