elbow pain during skull crushers/nose busters

Have you tried performing the exercise with dumbells? It will allow some lateral movement of your hands thereby reducing the stress on the elbow. I have used dumbells on lying extensions and found it quite effective.

I wouldn’t recommend 100 pound 'bells though.

I have the same problem on skull crushers but only after I do them continuosly for a month or so. I tried switching to a reverse grip skull crusher like someone else said and I think they kick ass! Slightly lighter loads but a great movement and it also works the grip in a way no other exercise really does. For me, it’s also easier to keep my elbows in and I experience no pain.

Sounds like you’ve got some tendonitis to me. Look up the “A Cure For Tendonitis?” article in the T-mag archives and follow the directions. Supplement with extra fish oil as well for best results.


The old elbow fuckers eh.
Try substituting dumbells. Let your elbows drift out somewhat naturally from your sides. I had the same problem and for me it was the fact that my hands were locked in position by the barbell (ez or straight). The dumbells allow you to follow a more natural path. Also try Tate presses from standing, they are a nice standing extension movement and don’t strain the elbows.

I agree with Ryno high boards presses are good and won’t hurt your shoulder too much. Good for bench lockout and the high load will build mass.

try dumbells instead. Westside style elbows out and elbows in variations. Also watch your form especially your wrists (keep nuetral -hammer position)

In my own experience dumbells for lying tricep extensions illicit greater/faster strength increases than barbells, unlike most exercises where barbells are better

Thanks for all the posts. I will be switching to dumbells now. I have done them before and noticed there is not nearly as much pain assoc. with the exercise. I just did not know they were as good a mass builder as doing it with a bar, reason being I have never done them exclusively.
Will also check out the high board presses. Don’t know what they are but will look them up on the site and give 'em a try.

For optimal strength we should perform exercises using a multi-joint movement. Taking the shoulder joint out of the equation when doing theses places a mass amount of stress on the elbows…too much for a single or isolation movement. When performing a skull crusher let the bar move through vertical path. To do this you need the shoulder movement. Allow your elbows to glide towards your sides first before flexing the elbows…sure you’ll work your anterior delts too but at least you can still do your favourite exercise.

why not use close grip benches and dips?

oh and a california press is when you start in the same position as a skull crusher, go through the negative portion of the rep. then instead of reversing the motion you pull the bar to your chest then press it up like a close grip bench press. so essentially you have a skull crusher and close grip bench in one.

I have been getting this same pain lately when I do heavy (for me) barbell bench presses at my 3 rep max for multiple sets. It starting to bother me enough that I can’t do dips afterward becuase it is too uncomfortable; damn tennis elbow! What am I supposed to do, not bench press? Not do as much weight as possible? How am I going to continue to make progress w/o being able to load up the bar? Any suggestions? Maybe I should go back to dumbell bench presses and see if this helps.

How do you perform your benches? I used to get elbow pain when i let my elbows flare and lowered the bar to high on my chest. If you aren’t already, try tucking your elbows more into your sides and lower the bar placement where it hits your chest.

Take it from a guy who had elbow surgery last year… Stop before it is too late! use lighter weights or something, but take a rest from triceps for a while, and ice them every day. You will be starting a cycle soon? This is a perfect opportuinity to really f**k em even more. You will feel a need to increase your poundages, and this will compound the problem. I know how it is to want to work out and ignore the pain-trust me! but this is not going to get any better until you decrease your loads, and take a break for a while.

This is simple, your using too much weight. Lower the weight for a few weeks then work your way back up when your ready.

You could try doing them with db.

Have you ever tried seated 1/2 presses. This is by far the best tricep lift I have ever done.