“Choosing diet foods will help you lose weight: Substances like Splenda and aspartame may have zero calories, but your body isn’t fooled. When it gets a “sweet” taste, it expects calories to follow, and when this doesn’t occur it leads to distortions in your biochemistry that may actually lead to weight gain”
“Choosing diet foods will help you lose weight: Substances like Splenda and aspartame may have zero calories, but your body isn’t fooled. When it gets a “sweet” taste, it expects calories to follow, and when this doesn’t occur it leads to distortions in your biochemistry that may actually lead to weight gain”
Everything you eat either goes through your liver or out your ass. Does anybody know exactly what the liver does with aspartame? How it affects the myriad other chemical reactions in the liver? Probably not, as they’re discovering new stuff all the time. (Just today I found an article that showed bile production and reabsorbtion is related to insulin resistance. Who knew?) Obviously aspartame isn’t killing us directly, but I would try to keep the consumption down. And I should try to follow my own advice. I was doing 3-4 Diet Pepsi Big Gulps a day there for a while.
“Choosing diet foods will help you lose weight: Substances like Splenda and aspartame may have zero calories, but your body isn’t fooled. When it gets a “sweet” taste, it expects calories to follow, and when this doesn’t occur it leads to distortions in your biochemistry that may actually lead to weight gain”
You’ll have to excuse me for not knowing this, but what does QFT stand for? ‘Quite fucking true?’
[quote]yorik wrote:
Everything you eat either goes through your liver or out your ass. Does anybody know exactly what the liver does with aspartame? How it affects the myriad other chemical reactions in the liver? Probably not, as they’re discovering new stuff all the time. (Just today I found an article that showed bile production and reabsorbtion is related to insulin resistance. Who knew?) Obviously aspartame isn’t killing us directly, but I would try to keep the consumption down. And I should try to follow my own advice. I was doing 3-4 Diet Pepsi Big Gulps a day there for a while.[/quote]
Upon ingestion, aspartame breaks down into residual components, including aspartic acid, phenylalanine, methanol,[26] in ratio of 4:5:1 by mass[27] and further breakdown products including formaldehyde[28] and formic acid, accumulation of the latter being suspected as the major cause of injury in methanol poisoning. Human studies show that formic acid is excreted faster than it is formed after ingestion of aspartame. In some fruit juices, higher concentrations of methanol can be found than the amount produced from aspartame in beverages.
Supposedly, when you have something sweet with no or limited sugar such as aspartame your brain expects sugar, and puts off signals for hunger. That’s just what my brother who has a masters in biochemistry had said, and his wife who has a bachelors in biology agreed with it. I have also noticed it effects satiety (physically being full but still feeling hunger).
“Choosing diet foods will help you lose weight: Substances like Splenda and aspartame may have zero calories, but your body isn’t fooled. When it gets a “sweet” taste, it expects calories to follow, and when this doesn’t occur it leads to distortions in your biochemistry that may actually lead to weight gain”
You’ll have to excuse me for not knowing this, but what does QFT stand for? ‘Quite fucking true?’
[quote]DSSG wrote:
Supposedly, when you have something sweet with no or limited sugar such as aspartame your brain expects sugar, and puts off signals for hunger. That’s just what my brother who has a masters in biochemistry had said, and his wife who has a bachelors in biology agreed with it. I have also noticed it effects satiety (physically being full but still feeling hunger). [/quote]
Why does the brain stop telling your stomach that its still hungry when it expects sugar intake?
I use 0 calorie beverages simply for the purpose of washing down my meals with something other than water while im dieting. I dont drink a whole bottle per meal, but ive never noticed it having any effect on my hunger or lack thereof.
having diet soda in moderation isn’t going to kill you or destroy your physique but why are you guys trying to defend something that is showing to have more and more possible health risks as time passes by?
I don’t care for things that can possibly cause brain damage.
[quote]paulieserafini wrote:
having diet soda in moderation isn’t going to kill you or destroy your physique but why are you guys trying to defend something that is showing to have more and more possible health risks as time passes by?
I don’t care for things that can possibly cause brain damage.[/quote]
[quote]paulieserafini wrote:
having diet soda in moderation isn’t going to kill you or destroy your physique but why are you guys trying to defend something that is showing to have more and more possible health risks as time passes by?
I don’t care for things that can possibly cause brain damage.[/quote]
[quote]paulieserafini wrote:
having diet soda in moderation isn’t going to kill you or destroy your physique but why are you guys trying to defend something that is showing to have more and more possible health risks as time passes by?
I don’t care for things that can possibly cause brain damage.[/quote]
Because 0 calorie beverages are a great dieting tool and unless you are a freaking soda addict, the in all likelihood you will suffer no noticeable adverse effects. Its not good for you, but its not bad. This stuff is overblown.
Diet soda with aspartame, largely “diet” anything is terrible. That much artificial sweetener and garbage could be slowing your metabolism and giving you cancer. There are other zero calorie drinks sweetened with natural zero calorie sweeteners that are great, anything sweetened with Stevia or something similar.
Zevia soda tastes great, you can get that at whole foods or Amazon/online for cheap, 0 calorie Sobe Life Water sweetened with Stevia is really good too. I drink these when I want something sweet without the calories. I guarantee your kidneys will thank you.
[quote]robstein wrote:
Diet soda with aspartame, largely “diet” anything is terrible. That much artificial sweetener and garbage could be slowing your metabolism and giving you cancer. There are other zero calorie drinks sweetened with natural zero calorie sweeteners that are great, anything sweetened with Stevia or something similar.
Zevia soda tastes great, you can get that at whole foods or Amazon/online for cheap, 0 calorie Sobe Life Water sweetened with Stevia is really good too. I drink these when I want something sweet without the calories. I guarantee your kidneys will thank you. [/quote]
Has anyone ever actually been able to prove they got cancer from aspartame?
Rats got cancer from ridiculously high doses of it. Im pretty sure at this rate if you give a rat enough of anything, it will get cancer. Gives people something to bitch about.
Unless you’re a fiend, i think the effect it has on your kidneys is negligible.
There are actually plenty of articles about it, just google it you’ll have enough material to last a while. I agree lab rat tests aren’t the best judgement, but most food and health critics/doctors agree diet soda and aspartame are terrible. Many studies show diet sodas severely increase the risk of kidney failure. I just don’t see a reason to tempt the fates if there are other options out there. At the very least, I’m sure we can all agree the 8-10 bottles a day this guy drinks is overkill.
Cigarettes have been proven to be attributed to numerous cancers.
Sure, a pack-a-day smoking habit is a sure way to bring on poor health, but how many of us would even smoke ONE cigarette a day?
[quote]robstein wrote:
There are actually plenty of articles about it, just google it you’ll have enough material to last a while. I agree lab rat tests aren’t the best judgement, but most food and health critics/doctors agree diet soda and aspartame are terrible. Many studies show diet sodas severely increase the risk of kidney failure. I just don’t see a reason to tempt the fates if there are other options out there. At the very least, I’m sure we can all agree the 8-10 bottles a day this guy drinks is overkill.[/quote]
Im not finding any articles that prove a particular person has gotten cancer from aspartame. Do i believe their may be a very small possibility that it could happen? Yes. Do i believe its actually every happened? no.
And ive said i agree that the amount of artificially sweetened cola OP drinks is too much.
[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
Cigarettes have been proven to be attributed to numerous cancers.
Sure, a pack-a-day smoking habit is a sure way to bring on poor health, but how many of us would even smoke ONE cigarette a day?
millions upon millions of people have died from cancer that is proven to be caused by cigarettes beyond a doubt. Im not finding any examples that specifically cover a person getting cancer as a direct cause of aspartame.
Supposedly it causes your body to retain fat, can cause cancer and stuff like that. Obviously there’s no real substitute for water. If you need something that tastes sweeter try going for coconut water or some kinda drink that’s flavored with sugar alcohols. Just about anythings better than aspartame and hfcs.
[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
Cigarettes have been proven to be attributed to numerous cancers.
Sure, a pack-a-day smoking habit is a sure way to bring on poor health, but how many of us would even smoke ONE cigarette a day?
millions upon millions of people have died from cancer that is proven to be caused by cigarettes beyond a doubt. Im not finding any examples that specifically cover a person getting cancer as a direct cause of aspartame.
Facile argument. [/quote]
Not quite the context I was shooting for.
My point, more directly had to do with taking in elements essential for health. Tobacco plays zero role in a healthy lifestyle. It adds nothing, and no experts prescribe it as such.
Aspartame is like that when compared to water - which of course is essential.