Quick question: I’ve narrowed my stance in a bunch on the advice of a coach. Results so far (up to 75% max and some banded work ending up around 80% max or so at the top) are good, so this weekend I’ll be hitting some triples at 85% and then seeing if I can get an AMRAP set.
I’ll be using my Lilliebridge wraps, but my question is how much difference should I expect in terms of what the wraps will give me out of the hole with a narrower stance?
I’ve read that the Lilliebridge wraps are great for narrower stance squatters. With a wide stance, they give me good drive out of the hole already (I’m getting 7-8 revolutions, working on getting more).
[quote]MarkKO wrote:
Quick question: I’ve narrowed my stance in a bunch on the advice of a coach. Results so far (up to 75% max and some banded work ending up around 80% max or so at the top) are good, so this weekend I’ll be hitting some triples at 85% and then seeing if I can get an AMRAP set.
I’ll be using my Lilliebridge wraps, but my question is how much difference should I expect in terms of what the wraps will give me out of the hole with a narrower stance?
I’ve read that the Lilliebridge wraps are great for narrower stance squatters. With a wide stance, they give me good drive out of the hole already (I’m getting 7-8 revolutions, working on getting more).
Really it is a matter of how you drop, how good you load them and how well you can stay vertical. I get about the same from them either way but I get my wraps right ad hell. My EliteFts Heavies (Blacks) I get 10 revolutions out of them and with Slingshot 2.5s I get 12.
[quote]MarkKO wrote:
Quick question: I’ve narrowed my stance in a bunch on the advice of a coach. Results so far (up to 75% max and some banded work ending up around 80% max or so at the top) are good, so this weekend I’ll be hitting some triples at 85% and then seeing if I can get an AMRAP set.
I’ll be using my Lilliebridge wraps, but my question is how much difference should I expect in terms of what the wraps will give me out of the hole with a narrower stance?
I’ve read that the Lilliebridge wraps are great for narrower stance squatters. With a wide stance, they give me good drive out of the hole already (I’m getting 7-8 revolutions, working on getting more).
Really it is a matter of how you drop, how good you load them and how well you can stay vertical. I get about the same from them either way but I get my wraps right ad hell. My EliteFts Heavies (Blacks) I get 10 revolutions out of them and with Slingshot 2.5s I get 12. [/quote]
I had a mate wrap my knees yesterday and he got something like 9 revolutions using sub x. Probably could have gotten a couple more.
Anyway, carryover was great. I hit six at 407 lbs and only stopped there because of my head cold stopping me getting enough air to get tight enough. Video is on my log if you’re interested. Light by your standards but decent for me.
With the narrower stance I’m confident of going over 500 lbs in the next few months.