Hey fellow T-Maggers. I’ll be traveling abroad starting in Sept., and my schedule will only allow me to work out Mon., Tues., and Thurs. I was thinking of trying Staley’s Escalating Density Program, and was hoping from some feedback from anyone who has tried it. Looking back, what kinds of results did you see, and what changes would you have made in hindsight for a more effective program. I am intending to do four 15 minute blocks per workout. Monday will include: chest, biceps, and forearms-A1. Flat Machine Press A2. Barbell Curls B1. Incline Press B2. Hammer Curls C1. Flys C2. Reverse Curls D1. Wrist Curls D2. Reverse Wrist Curls. Tuesday will include Legs, and Trunk: A1. Squats A2. Leg Curls B1. Right Leg Lunge B2. Left Leg Lunge C1. Swiss Ball Crunch C2. Back Extension D1. Standing Calf Raise D2. Russian Abdominal Twist. Thursday will include Back, Triceps, Shoulders A1. Neutral Grip Chin Ups A2. Skullcrusher B1. Lat Row B2. Reverse Pressdown C1. Arnold Press C2. Sit Ups D1. Side Lateral Shoulder Raise D2. Seated Calf Raise. I’m hoping this program will help me put on a little size (currently i’m about 6’2" 210 12% BF) and slightly increase my strength levels. Hypertrophy is probably most important, and fitting the workouts into what will be a very hectic schedule. Any comments on experience with EDT type workouts, and my planned workouts would be much appreciated.
I have an idea, why don’t you use the exercises and time blocks that were listed in the original article? There is a reason only two 20-minute or three 15-minute blocks are used. This also applies to the exercises listed. Since you only have three days to train, why don’t you follow Phase 2 of EDT since it’s only three days a week. You can easily follow the exact plan as written on the days you have available. Change it around and use something like you have listed above after you’ve actually give the program a try as Staley has written it.
Oh yeah, one more thing. The reason I’ve included shoulders, traps, and forearms in the EDT program outlined above is due to the fact that the two previous programs I’ve recently completed had no direct shoulder work, and very little for traps and forearms. I’m worried that if I don’t include them in this program there development will begin to lag behind the rest of my body.
If you want to add additional exercises to work on lagging bodyparts or anxillary muscle groups, then I would do them at the end of your workouts either EDT style or just a few sets of each. But I would follow EDT as closely as possible to get the most out of it. If you do it right, your other muscle groups (traps, forearms, calves) should stay the same or get bigger!