I finally found the info on EDT. It sounds exciting, well all except that pain part. But it sound very worthwhile. My question is, if I want to start EDT and I have to workout that body part every 2 to 3 days, then that puts me at the gym like 7 days a week??? Would a three or four day split be good? Like Chest and Back Monday, Bi’s and Tri’s Tuesday, Shoulders and Legs Thur, and repeat on Friday? Any advice would be great, especially if you used EDT and were successful with it. Thanks.
Im sorry, I feel embarrassed asking this, but I looked for info on EDT and HST and couldnt find anything. Could someone tell me where to look , or explain it to me themselves. I might have heard of it, but not sure.
Tony, I’m not sure what the problem is or what you’re looking for. Are you using the search engine to the left of your screen? If you are using the search engine, make note of the drop-down box. You can change the default “T-forums” to “T-mag,” which searches archived articles.
You can also click on “Previous Issues” and search for an author or a word using the Ctrl-F (Find) feature. Previous issues are grouped by year, I believe.
I sometimes expand my search by Googling the whole 'Net.
Happy searching!!! Remember, to enjoy the journey as well as the destination.
On the EDT programs Charles has put up so far, you don’t train a bodypart every 2 or 3 days, at least not directly. It might go something like
Tuesday–quads, calves, abs
Friday–hamstrings, calves, abs
with the movement patterns addressing calves and abs differing on Tuesday and Friday.
An EDT-like system that directly works bodyparts a couple times per week is called “conjugated periodization training”. There’s an article up about it.
How much effort did you put into your searching? I typed in EDT and HST in the T-mag search engine and a bunch of links relating to them popped up immediately.
You can also check out Staley’s site for EDT info at myodynamics.com
I apologize for my lack of effort, I found the program just fine and it sounds interesting. Please forgive me and disregard the prior post.