Since Ephedrine is no longer available in Diet pills, has anyone any information on creating your own ECA stack? I found Primatine (sp?) containing 12.5mg of ephedrine per tablet. Knowing that Ecedrin Migraine contains 250 mg of Asprin and 65 mg of Caffeine. Would this be a good replacement, or could I be getting into something that is dagerous? Any info would be greatly appreciated. I’m trying to shed some stubborn fat.
Get in your car, drive to the nearest conveinence store, buy a bottle of mini-thins and some vivarin. You don’t need the asprin.
If you are in Texas, Circle K has the mini-thins at the counter under various names.
[quote]MoonDaug wrote:
Since Ephedrine is no longer available in Diet pills, has anyone any information on creating your own ECA stack? I found Primatine (sp?) containing 12.5mg of ephedrine per tablet. Knowing that Ecedrin Migraine contains 250 mg of Asprin and 65 mg of Caffeine. Would this be a good replacement, or could I be getting into something that is dagerous? Any info would be greatly appreciated. I’m trying to shed some stubborn fat.
Why not just buy some HOT-ROX? It’s not that expensive, and works a lot better than ECA. At least that has been my experience.
Buy some ephdrin HCL as an asthma med. even over the counter at gas stations. There your E/25mg. The buy some vivarin, theres your C/250mg I think what ever 1 of them, is. Then half an asprin or leave the aspir out, there is your A. Your method is a bit low on the C and high on the A.
Or skip that all together and get some HOT-ROX and fire up your metabolism with it.
Hope that helps,
As Rainjack said, HOT-ROX is decently priced. It should work as good or better then an ECA, and, most importantly, with an ECA you run the risk of imparing Testosterone.
Thanks all of you. I will order some HOT-ROX and try it out. But until I get that, I was trying to find something that I can just go buy when I need it.
[quote]Moon Knight wrote:
As Rainjack said, HOT-ROX is decently priced. It should work as good or better then an ECA, and, most importantly, with an ECA you run the risk of imparing Testosterone.[/quote]
Which part of the stack impairs testosterone? Is it the whole synergistic effect?
Aspirin and ephedrine definately(see John Berardi’s “The Big T” article, and BFG’s recent “Ephedrine Killed My Pensi” thread)
I’m not 100% sure about caffeine but I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that it can lower T as well, though, not drasticly unless large doses are taken(which some might take if doing ECA).
[quote]Moon Knight wrote:
Aspirin and ephedrine definately(see John Berardi’s “The Big T” article, and BFG’s recent “Ephedrine Killed My Pensi” thread)
I’m not 100% sure about caffeine but I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that it can lower T as well, though, not drasticly unless large doses are taken(which some might take if doing ECA).[/quote]
Good god. Fuck that. I think I’ll just pay closer attention to my diet…
I second the notion on the ECA. I was pissy that ephedra and ephedrin got banned, but they really were dangerous. People really did have heart attacks while training on it. My ECA experience is that I almost passed out while on it and had a 200+ pulse rate and nausea! Ver scary. Unless you are obese, losing weight shouldn’t threaten your life.
I second the HOT-ROX. I have been on them for about a week and just feel better while cutting. What does that mean? I used to get carb-cravings and binge out on oatmeal, but that has stopped. Also, it’s nice to take a fat loss supplement that is not a stimulant. Being anxious and jittery isn’t cool when you are bound up in a cubical all day.
As far as get some additional thermogenic effects, coupled with the HOT-ROX cycle, I recommend 1-2 cups of black coffee/strong green tea upon rising and another 1-2 mid-afternoon. Beyond that, I think you can exhaust your adrenals (can lead to over-training) and possibly negatively effect T levels. On the weekends I try to cut back to just one cup in the morning to give my system a break.
One additional related note since we are talking about cutting, I have been hitting either a 15 min moderate paced run alternated a regular bike workout for 40 min, first thing in the morning. I hit a cup of joe, take two HOT-ROX and two TRIBEX and hit it. I noticed I have more energy through out the day and I’m not waking up starving like normal. I also should submit that I have been hitting Quattro Dynamo in the evenings, so 4 days a week I’m doing two-a-days.
BTW, I shoveled the drive for an hour this morning without breaking a sweat! WOW it feels good to be in shape!
Maybe this helps…
Thanks everyone for the helpful information. I will suck it up and order some HOT-ROX.
You’ve already made the good decision to try HOT-ROX, but here is some more shit to consider:
pseudoephedrine has nearly the same metabolic increasing effects as ephedrine, and is readily available OTC as Sudafed (and other brand names). Take it with coffee. There you go.
Aspirin and most other pain-killers decrease testosterone.
Great thread!!!You guys have convinced me to go with HOT-ROX. Min thins are just a little much for me.