Eh hi.
Just so i understand this right, can some people advise me please.
Say if you train at 7pm ok…
Is anything BEFORE you workout just to keep your body in anabolic state BUT not to build muscle and its AFTER the workout that you should seriously eat…
As in say if you had a 4000 calorie nutrition plan… would you be better saving say 2500 for POST workout… and 1500 before workout ???
Or am i missing something ?
Thanks for any help.
Not really, I guess it depends on what you want to do. I train at 7pm, and by the time I’m done it’s 8:30, I finish my shake and don’t really want to eat anything until Pre bed meal which is probably 400 calories at MOST.
I’d say you need more energy during the day, so you should be consuming a majority of those calories before your workout, or else your workout may suffer.
Also, your body needs to be in an anabolic state during sleep, so that’d be post workout, especially since you train so late; which means a good blend of high protein (casein) and fat should be consumed before bed to keep you in that anabolic state.
Make your meals approximately the same size (possibly the PWO meals a bit larger).
Keeping your body in an anabolic state is simply a matter of eating enough throughout the day.
[quote]Trenchant wrote:
Make your meals approximately the same size (possibly the PWO meals a bit larger).
Keeping your body in an anabolic state is simply a matter of eating enough throughout the day.[/quote]
I completely agree. The entire day’s nutrition is the most important factor to keep your body in an anabolic state. Have a pre workout meal will help keep your body anabolic or at least anti-catabolic.
agreed… Split it up. If one meal has to be bigger make it PWO meal, and if one has to be smaller make it pre bed.
Breakfast and PWO should both have plenty of quality calories though.