i have read articals on what is better eating protien befor or after you workout. some places say befor and some say after can some just help or tell me wich one works better thanks
[quote]fightnight1 wrote:
i have read articals on what is better eating protien befor or after you workout. some places say befor and some say after can some just help or tell me wich one works better thanks [/quote]
Have you read any of the articles on PWO (Post-Workout or Peri-Workout) nutrition? In what context are you asking this question? Nutrition while working out, or real-food meals?
Having a steady stream of nutrients, including protein is optimum. This would mean before and after is ideal.
20-30g protein (depending onyour size) 60-90 mins before your workout would work. Then immediately following your workout have a PWO of aprox. 3or4:1 fairly simple carb to protein drink/meal. Depending on weight situation like 40-80g carbs and 10-20g protein.
Follow this up with good solid meal 2 or so hours later.
If you can only do one, I would say eat right after your workout. But some of the newest studies say having it in your body for workout is just as important.
Don’t get real hung up on it though. These are sort of ideal parameters. Just make sure to eat enough throughout the day and you’ll be fine.
Go to the Archives and Look for “Solving the Post-Workout Puzzle” by Dr. Berardi. This should answer some questions. Also, “Nutrient Timing”.
Also go to articles and look for “Triple Shot Roundtable”.
[quote]fightnight1 wrote:
i have read articals on what is better eating protien befor or after you workout. some places say befor and some say after can some just help or tell me wich one works better thanks [/quote]
I think it is best to essentially do both. If I had the money for Surge, I would also include a during drink. If trying to gain weight, eat a big ass meal both before and after. Some else on this thread talked about saturating the muscle with nutrients, and I totally agree.
Trying to manipulate the variables could end up in comtemplating minutea that could have negligable effect on your training. I am not trying to sound like a know-it-all, just my experiences. Also, the founders of the forum seem to agree that within that 3 hour or so postworkout window, you should ingest about .5 gram of protien and 1 gr/lbs of bodyweight of carbs. For me, at 175, that works out to 80 grams or protien, and 175 grams of carbs, totaling about 1000 cals. These guys say that you can start this feeding during your workout by sipping on something like Surge. That is honeslty that best PWO shake I have ever drank. It has the perfect combination of carbs and protien, the highest quality protien, and can be drank mid workout without feeling bloated at all. If your broke like me, or saving the money, you can try low fat milk, cereal, anything really. There is also a good Double Tap about the issue. Good luck bro. Remember to train hard, so that the body knows what to do with those extra nutrients.
Eat a small meal of protein and carbs prior to working out, and then follow your workout with Surge or another good post-workout shake.
Or, you can make a protein/carb drink to sip before and during your workout (or use Surge), and then follow your workout with Surge.