Long time lurker and inconsistent trainer here. I play football and over the past two years I’ve accumulated myself a bunch of injuries including a “sports hernia,” torn calf (twice, since I think I’m indestructible) and most recently a knee surgery to remove cartilage. Oh, and currently pain in the collarbone to AC joint area of my shoulder for some reason. One of the reasons of my inconsistency in the past, other then injuries is family life. I have two busy kids and I couldn’t always make it to the gym. I solved that problem by buying myself a power rack and bench for my garage.
I know, most likely no one will be following this, or reply, but I put it up here to try and connect with like minded people. Or hell, maybe one of my teammates or opponents might see it, and hopefully it will inspire them to work harder during the off-season. I haven’t really been able to train legs since February until last week. What I thought was going to be a torn meniscus was actually just a chunk of cartilage which got stuck under my kneecap. When I would bend my knee further then 90 degrees, it felt like it was going to explode. I finished the season and with the aid of my “awesome” health insurance, I was able to get surgery on it 3 months later. That was a month ago.
My main goal was to improve my athleticism and build up some strength. Well, I may end up going to another academy in a couple months so unfortunately I have to work on my conditioning as well.
Jogging for 1:10 and walking for 1:50 for 30 minutes. These were my physical therapists orders to take it slow on my knee. He would really be unhappy if he saw what I did the next day.
HIIT of 50 yards for 12 minutes. 104 degrees and humid, this was a blast before heading off to work. I didn’t stop sweating for about 4 hours. I also screwed up and did it on an empty stomach because I forgot to take my BCAA’s before leaving the house.
Workout started off with Evergray’s At Loss for Words. (Random of 6k songs)
Soft tissue work with a foam roller and baseball.
Warmup used from 5-3-1 for football.
Bench Press
220x5, 235x5, 250x5
Military Press
70x5, 90x5, 110x5 <— Focused on speed and form. Similar to a DE day.
Chins in between sets of BP and MP
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
Accessory work, I’m taking a new route. I used to jump in weight a lot and go as heavy as I possibly could. Now that I’m old, I’m going to aim for steady progress. I’ve started with low weights, if I complete my goal reps, I will increase the weight a little bit in the next session.
5 sets of 7, BW.
T-Bar Rows
5 sets of 145x10
Lying Try Ext.
5 sets of 70x10
5 minute circuit of as many Paloff Presses and Band Pull Aparts as I could complete.
Trained at 12AM. Didn’t want to run around the neighborhood and wake all the dogs and neighbors for conditioning, so I’ll often use a circuit for my cardio after weight training.