[quote]Mr ian wrote:
I am asking for advice/help from all you guys who go the the gym very early in the morning. I recently changed jobs and have normal hours (8-5), I also go to school after work Mon through Thurs. By the time I get out of school/work my gym is closed. Its only going to be for the next month, but I can not accept not going to the gym for a full month. Here are my options + questions.
I can get up and make it to my gym by 5, then head back home eat and head to work. Alot of driving, and between driving all over the place, work, school I might get tired.
Another option is I could join the YMCA for a month which is right next to my house and not so far away.
Questions for you guys are:
- Do you have a shake before you go to the gym in the morn?
- If you go straight from the gym to work, what do you have for breakfast at work?
- Anyone have a schedule like mine? If so how tired are you, and are you able to study.
Appreciate any help/info guys. One way or another I need to hit the gym, just wanted to hear your early morn experiences and how it effected your day/school/eating[/quote]
I switched four years ago for the exact same reason as you. The effects on school and work were all positive, more energy throughout the day, and I just felt more mentally acute.
Good advice given so far. I just scramble a couple eggs as soon as I get up and have a little oatmeal to go with them. I workout around 5:30am, then shower up at the gym, drive to work, and have a shake and some fruit as soon as I get there.
One thing I sometimes do in the morning to warm up is take a hot shower before I head out. Going to bed early and getting enough sleep is essential though. I do not deadlift in the mornings, I save that for weekends when I can get in a little later. I make sure to warm up properly, and spend more time working up to my work sets, particularly with squats.
I am done with school now and continue to work out in the mornings for several reasons:
Great crew of people that I work out with, very dedicated, and always have good spotters.
Energy levels are elevated through out the day, it feels good to get something accomplished before most people are out of bed in the morning.
No gymbicils at that time in the morning
Gym is not crowded, nothing to wait on, and people are always willing to let you work in if on the rare occasion equipment is in use. I am a little spoiled now, I cannot stand to be in the gym when its crowded.
It did take a week or two to get used to working out at that time in the morning, my lifts went down initially, but came right back up again pretty quickly.
Good luck!