I am not equipped for banded squats or chains currently as I lift at home- But i’d like to make one of the 3 squat days a week a Dynamic day.
Any suggestions for substitutions for banded or chained squats? I have been doing heavy barbell jump squats , but i dont think that is really a fair comparison
You can do speed work with straight weight, just do it within the 65-85% range. Keep the reps fast. Best measure is if you can make the weights rattle hard when you lockout, if not, maybe adjust the weight down 5% or so. If it is too light, you might launch your body off the bench while bench pressing or feel you heels coming off the ground while squatting, if so adjust upwards by 5% or so. Deadlift should not be easy to snap off the ground, but you should have to work hard to get it to lockout fast.