Dumbbell Workout

does anyone have any good ideas for a dumbbell workout. The reason is because I can’t get a gym membership and im waiting to get a power rack and barbell etc. but until then i have to workout with dumbbells.
Does anyone have any good ideas?

Squatting and deadlifting are awkward with dumbells in my (limited) experience. Try swings, front squats, walking lunges for leg work. Anything else is easily done with dumbells. Bench, rows, overhead press, etc.

Lunges are great for the legs when you can’t get (or hold with dumbbells) enough weight for squats.

I’ve tried deadlifts too, and they feel weird. It’s difficult to get enough weight with them to get into the lower reps.

Any 1 leg exercises would be great, (reverse lunges, 1 leg squats, 1 leg deadlifts).

Of course there are the basics with dumbbells like DB bench, rows, overhead presses, curls, shrugs etc.

I also like Tate presses for the triceps, or semi-supinated “skull-crushers” with dumbbells.

I also have mixed up 1 arm DB rows with 2 arm DB rows (one db in each hand, leaning over like barbell rows).

1 arm db cleans look fun too, but I’ve never tried them yet.

[quote]SWR-1240 wrote:
I’ve tried deadlifts too, and they feel weird. It’s difficult to get enough weight with them to get into the lower reps.

I think dumbell deadlifts are a great accessory type exersize post squats as an alternative to GHR, reverse hypers, hamstring curls, and things like that…


take all the weight you have and do farmers walks for as long as you can… thaqt is about the most use you are going to get out of those dumbbells. you will be surprised and how much you can accomplish simply by doing farmers walks.