Any one have in sight on using dumbbell vs Bar bench (especially for chest). I used to work out solo, so I never had a spot. To be safe I started using dumbbells instead of a bar for my bench presses. That way I could go till failure and just let the weights fall to the side. Along the way a friend told me that using dumbbells was actually better because it worked stabilizer muscles.
The only thing that I noticed about this was that even though I could press far more then my friends on dumbbells when we would use the bar they seemed to have a small edge? I want to stick with my dumbbells because I really do like them, but I?m thinking of adding a set of bar press as well. Would this be over kill? I?m wondering if I would be better off to do as heavy of weight possible and only do one or the other, instead of doing both.
Any one have experience in this area?