Interesting bit of info on waist measurement that I didn’t know and really made my day - probably you guys already know how to properly measure your waist but I thought I would share anyway and maybe give some of you good news and hopefully not bad.
Today my wife saw Dr. Oz on Oprah and he says the way to measure your waist is to contract your stomach as hard as you can and measure around the belly button - all this time I have measured with belly relaxed so I immediately lost 5 inches off my waist!
The reason being that you want to measure the omentum where the fat is stored which can not be contracted like muscle can - otherwise you are just measuring sagging abdominal muscle.
Also, 35" for men is ideal - or 1/2 your height in inches, so for me I can be at 37" and be “okay” but I have work to do as I still need to lose 1.5". If you are at 45" (40" for women) or more you are heading for trouble.
He’s got a book out that looks like it might be worth looking at - something like “You On a Diet”.
“They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.”