Doorway Chinup Bars...

I need to get one of these since my new rack doesn’t have a chin up bar…anyone know if there is a weight limit on these things? I’m 250 right now and sometimes I use a 25lb plate. I don’t wanna come crashing down while doing pullups…anyone have any info?


They usually have that information on the box.

Power racks are usually rated to handle several thousand pounds. What kind of rack do you have?

If your talking about the spring loaded ones, for the doorway, forget’m.
When I weighed 145 one popped out of place for me.
There are some that use pressure an fir around a door frame.A bit pricier but worth it if you don’t have room for a chinning tower.

Do a search for torque athletic and they have a really nice one, although very pricey, guaranteed to hold 600 lbs.

hope it helps

Thanks everyone.

I have one called the ``door gym’’ not sure if its still around as I bought mine about 8 years ago. But it uses the top of the door jam as leverage similar to the torque athletic one, so effectively its about as strong as the door jam. Im 240 pounds and use it without any problem. I’ve never tried it with extra weights though.

[quote]IL Cazzo wrote:
I need to get one of these since my new rack doesn’t have a chin up bar…anyone know if there is a weight limit on these things? I’m 250 right now and sometimes I use a 25lb plate. I don’t wanna come crashing down while doing pullups…anyone have any info?


The $15 ones at Dicks can hold 300lbs. With those, I would be more worried about the strength of the wood the mounts screw into than the bar itself though.

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Give Ed a call. He is the owner.

He makes each bar himself and will be able to tell you what you need.